Kumah's Tu B'Shevat Seder
Does anyone know what tomorrow is?
If you are living in the United States of America you will probably answer “Of course - it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day.”
No, silly! Tomorrow night is Tu B’Shvat!
(Those of you in Israel would say “Of course – It’s Tu B’Shvat tomorrow night!” And would say – “Really? MLK day? I had no idea!”)
Tu B’Shvat – yet another reason to make Aliyah. Here this “forgotten holiday” is actually widely celebrated. The sad truth is (even though, or perhaps because, I grew up in Yeshivish surroundings) I never even heard of a Tu B’shvat seder until I actually made Aliyah. Here everybody makes them.
Last year Kumah’s own Malkah put together an absolutely stunning Tu B’shvat Haggadah! (Special thanks the Yechiel for helping us dig it up.)
Labels: Aliyah, Beauty of the Land, Jewish Holidays, Kumah, Malkah, Pinchas, Tu B'Shvat

At 2:18 PM ,
Yishai said...
We followed the Seder this morning and it was very moving. May Hashem bless you all with the actual Etrog fruit for Sukkot. Along with that you yourselves should be a beautiful Etrog this year, that is, you should merit to be a beautiful vessel in His eyes, for Him to do Mitzvot through you.
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