15 Seconds With The President

There's a lot of hubbub surrounding the visit of US President George W. Bush.
The Post-Zionist Left, face it, is wetting itself with anticipation over the prospect of Bush backing Israel into a corner and, as the uberscuzzy editor of Haaretz so Haaretzly put it, raping our country of any last vestiges of meaning or dignity. They're hoping Bush will pizzazz the land right out from under us, hacking away at the most biblical of our biblical lands, and ultimately bringing down the Zionists, who are like so many pesky cockroaches revealing themselves after a bug bomb.
This morning, as our mountaintop was covered with a welcome low-hanging cloud after some much needed nighttime rainfall, we heard a familiar sound - the approach of a Blackhawk.
Because of our proximity to both Ramallah and Baal Hatzor, as well as our possession of a nice, uninhabited flat space, we are frequented by practicing pilots, who land and take off, land and take off.
As we were listening to the buzzing and swooshes, my husband commented to me that perhaps they are practicing bringing in Bush - after all, Bush's entourage is rumored to be planning a Ramallah visit, making a helicopter landing and drive through Beit El somewhat likely. Olmert's government is going to be doing everything in its power to keep Bush away from any real people or places during his visit (we wouldn't want the endearing qualities of the Jewish people to get in the way of our cold, heartless peace plans, now would we?), so it's quite possible that he will be whisked above the annoying realities, and come to Ramallah via helicopter.
So I asked my husband: "What if he does land here, and we have the chance to speak to him for 15 seconds? What would you say?" That got us thinking.
By the by, you never know. I recommend that you all prepare 15 seconds worth of material - who knows if G-d will make you the shaliach for His message to this King of America.
What would you say? "Free Jonathan Pollard!" "Go back to Texas!" "Please, don't divide Jerusalem - you don't want that kind of Wrath, trust me."
So I leave it to you: What would YOU say to President George W. Bush if you ran into him in Israel?
Labels: Government, Jerusalem, Malkah, post-Zionism, Rants

At 9:15 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Yankee go home.
And take Olmert with you.
At 11:02 PM ,
Lorelai Kude said...
I'd invite him for Shabbas and we'd have a nice dvar Torah on the very appropriate Parsha this week!
At 10:57 AM ,
דן said...
Bush is a puppet so you might as well talk to the wall. You would need to talk to his handlers from the Council On Foreign Relations (cfr.org), i.e. David Rockefeller, Kissinger, Breszinski, James Baker, etc.
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