Mr. President, Somewhere the Sun is Shining

Mr. Bush learned an important lesson this morning. A basic fundamental in Judaism is that while man indeed has free will to choose good or evil, everything down to the smallest detail is controlled by God. These are not contradictory.
So the President "made a request to watch the sun rise over the Old City from his suite at the King David Hotel." What a plan! Israel officials had even better plans. "To make the scene more dramatic, the authorities [planned] to turn off the lights illuminating the limestone walls before dawn." Brilliant! (Haaretz even wrote about what the president would be thinking at that time and called Mr. Bush a courageous man and even praised him for being a God fearing man. Imagine liberal Haaretz ever calling a staunch conservative courageous! Or ever praising anyone for being God fearing!)
So what did the President see when he looked out his $2,500 a night Presidential Suite at the King David Hotel at 5:30 in the morning? Brilliant rays of the sun peeking over the ancient walls? Golden halos sheening off the Dome of the Rock? Actually he probably didn't even see the artist neighborhood of Yamin Moshe just meters below right outside his hotel window. See, as the Yiddish expression goes, "Men tracht und Gott lacht." Man plans, and G-d laughs! Man proposes, God disposes.
As Mr. Bush pulled apart the posh hotel curtains he didn't see the sunrise scene that he and Israel authorities has planned. What he saw was probably nothing. A thick fog moved in overnight along with some heavy rain and even a bit of snow. By morning the fog was so heavy the President's entourage had to cancel plans for him to fly by helicopter to Ramallah and chose to drive instead.
Indeed President George W. Bush is a God-fearing man. And perhaps he, and all the leaders of the world should heed the advice of another God-fearing leader. The leader from whom the hotel Mr. Bush is staying by gets its name. King David wrote: "The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples." Psalms 33:10

Labels: America, Government, Israel's Borders, Jerusalem, Leadership, Pinchas

At 8:45 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I happened to have stayed up the night before the "turning off of the lights on the OLD CITY walls, before dawn", as requested by Pres. Bush so that he could view the sun rising over the Old City. I was in the center of town on Rechov Hillel, 4th floor, and looked out my window...but, couldn't see a thing... not at 5am, 6am or 7am! Yerushalayim was enveloped in a fog. One could not see the street below or the building across the street. [Strange, but the same is happening RIGHT NOW...8:40pm Tues night, Israel time]
Well, I thought to myself, "Hah, H-shem has the last laugh". Bush made a selfish request of our beautiful city... He could have just gone to the Old City [with his SS entourage] and watched it from there... the sun rising behind OUR Kotel, all that we have left from the Bayit Sheni... but, H-shem wouldn't allow it, either way... Bush was not deserving of such a magnificent sight, not someone who would even have the "thought" to divide our Ir HaKodesh!
I'm glad that Bush did not receive such a "reward"... perhaps, he learned something from this? I hope he did and will act on it... but, if C. Rice gets her way, he won't get to do anything for Israel's benefit, thus Bush won't be blessed, as he is not blessing Tziyon!
Thanks for posting your short article and the famous words of David HaMelech...and the famous Yiddish saying. I had a good chuckle at the later!
Yasher Ko'ach!
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