Redneck Fire Alarm

Labels: Agriculture, Pinchas, Shmittah
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Full post and comments..."The irony of it all is that in today's Israel, the 'Jew' is the new 'Israeli'. Israel was supposed to be the breeding ground for a strong new Hebrew who does not cower. Yet in today's Israel, it is the secular-post-Zionist-left which is the cowering Jew being led to the slaughter. The religious settler is now the emancipated Israeli, bedecked with side locks and tzitzit, and armed with the classic fundamentals of Zionist ideology; that is, to ingather, to build, and to settle the land of Israel."Click HERE to read the full article.
Labels: Article, Neo-Zionism, Yishai
Full post and comments...Labels: Aliyah, Arabs, Land of Israel, Letters, Yishai
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Full post and comments...Since the time of Hitler, civilization has never been so close to the brink of total catastrophe. This American election will decide whether civilization as we know it will survive. As much as economic questions are currently front and center, with blame to go all round, this is not an election primarily about corporate greed, or individuals living beyond their means, or government neglect of economic oversight. Nor is it about whether we should have gone into Iraq where, like it or not, American boots on the ground have begun to create an emerging democracy. This election is about whether there will be a nuclear holocaust.
Labels: Aliyah, America, Yishai
Full post and comments...Labels: Aliyah, Beauty of the Land, Video, Yishai
Full post and comments...Barack Obama appears to sit on a nexus between Marxist revolutionary activists, unrepentant former terrorists, Black Power racists, Chicago mobsters – oh, and a Saudi who is trying to buy up America. If you were to turn up at US immigration control with a background of such associates, it’s a fair bet they wouldn’t let you off the air-bridge. Yet this man may well become President of the US!
I offered my young American friend an election scenario, in which the Jews overwhelmingly vote for McCain, and Obama is defeated by losing both Florida and New York. “It’s simple,” he said, “Many will blame this catastrophe on the Jews. Why? Because the Jews were the single most powerful voice against Obama.” “That is untrue,” I told him, “This is pure anti-Semitism.” “True,” said the bright young man, “but if they repeat it enough it will become the truth.” I believe that if Obama loses the election it will be because America is not ready to put its destiny in the hands of an inexperienced young man, whose challenge against the establishment frightened more potential voters than attracted them. I do not believe for a second that Jews in America will have any direct hand in his downfall. There is no Jewish conspiracy, no invisible hand pulling invisible strings, and no organized ethnic support against his candidacy. However, I do believe that the election of the next president might be a negative turning point for Jews in America.
Labels: Agriculture, Pinchas, Shmittah
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