Three Amazing Letters - What do YOU say?

Dear Yishai,
I just have some questions that maybe your organization could answer for me. I am definitely not anti-semitic, however I have a problem with the Zionist movement. While I am an Arab-American woman who practices Islam as my religion and does not believe in causing pain or suffering to others, or shoving my belief system down another person's throat. I find it horrible at the state of affairs in Palestine at present. I believe myself to be a fairly open minded individual at an adequate level of intelligence. I would like to better understand what could make anyone support zionism when there is so much horror going on in Palestine.
The genocide that is occuring there reminds me of the holocaust and I wonder how your organization could support that ideology. I have respect for all people and religions. Please explain to me how having people move to Israel/Palestine and taking away the land that belongs to the people there by force, not allowing them medical help, poisoning their water supplies, closing roads, shutting off electricity etc. isn't exacly what Hitler did? If you believe that there is a GOD and the three religions that are montheistic believe that we all came from one creator then why do you support the atrocities going on there? I am not trying to attack you, but I don't really understand how any civilized person could support this. Feel free to e-mail me back. I thank you for your consideration.
Dear Sir,
If the Nation of Israel truly rests in the hearts of its people regardless of its physical location; why not petition the governments of the United States and possibly Canada for a land grant? I don't really believe that the Arabs will every grant you peace so long as you remain in the Middle East. But in North America; your children could finally thrive in security and safety.
If you don't think my suggestion is too insane; with your permission, I would be happy to start this very long process by writing to my congressman.
Thank you for considering my suggestion.
Susan, living in Arizona
Dear Yishai,
Because of the fiscal crisis in the USA and the world, I'm scared that people are going to start blaming the Jews, and I haven't heard of a fiscal crisis in Israel. I'm not so much afraid of the economy hurting me, but I'm afraid of the antisemitism that might occur. So, I'd like to make aliyah. However, my husband doesn't want to. Is it possible for me to do it without him, yet still stay married to him? BTW, we're Jewish, though not frum. Would I be comfortable not being frum in Israel?
Labels: Aliyah, Arabs, Land of Israel, Letters, Yishai

At 5:26 PM ,
Anonymous said...
With regards to the first two letters...oh, the seduction! How can you compare what Israel has had to do to reign in terrorism to the Holocaust?? Did the Jews in Europe commit terrorist attacks on their neighbors?? NO! The Holocaust was an evil 'final solution' to 'the Jewish question' which was ethnic cleansing. Hitler wanted a superior arian race and he used the flawed beliefs of evolution, which is a theory and NOT proven by science.
The horror of what the Palestinian people are enduring is caused by their own government. The starvation, the squallor, the poverty is due to the fact that all the oil money was kept by their leaders. They have not taken care of their brothers.For example, Arafat and Saddam and their families certainly lived large! How can so much land rich with oil, that belongs to the Arab and Muslim people be considered short changed?? Israel is the size of New Jersey! The Palestinians teach their children to hate the Jews in school. It is written in their text books. They grow up blaming the Jews for everything gone wrong in their life. That's anti-semetism and that is the same ideolgy as Hitler. The last letter from the woman in America afraid of people blaming the economic meltdown on the Jews is her describing the same beliefs of anti-semitism, of Hitler, and of the Palestinians.
On a final note, when I went to Israel, almost two years ago, I noticed all the land given to the Palestinians was deteriorating. Those with us who had been to Israel a few short years prior, were dismayed that the buildings and land were not being cared for. Trash is thrown along the streets and highways. There are no flowers or gardens. No attempt to keep it clean and attractive. The Palestinians don't take care of the land that's been given to them. judith
At 11:14 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Mariem - you mention "taking away land that belongs to the people" - I don't know which people you mean.
Israel won a defensive war in 1967, and captured Judea, Samaria, Gaza, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai desert as a result.
Judea and Samaria (sometimes called "The West Bank") had been governed by Jordan, while Gaza and the Sinai desert had been administered by Egypt. The Golan Heights had been held by Syria.
Anwar Sadat of Egypt made peace with Israel in 1979, in exchange for the Sinai desert, and gave up all claims on Gaza.
King Hussein of Jordan relinquished all Jordanian claims on Judea and Samaria in the 1994 peace deal between Israel and Jordan.
So, there is no nation other than Israel who asserts any claim on Judea, Samaria, or Gaza.
In 2005, Israel expelled thousands of its own citizens from their homes in Gaza, and withdrew their military presence, as an overture of peace. Instead of turning Gaza into a peaceful neighbor that might be able to become a nation - the Arabs there turned it into one big Hamas terror base. We've learned our lesson - these thugs do not want peace.
As for the Golan Heights - Syria refuses to follow the example of Jordan and Egypt - they do not want peace, then only want another genocide of six million Jews. The Golan Heights was officially annexed by Israel in 1981. As such, it is not a "territory", but a part of Israel proper.
Israel constantly provides food, water, electricity, medicine, and other goods to Gaza. Jews, and Israelis in particular, are very compassionate and care about all of humanity. Despite the fact that Hamas continues to teach little children in Gaza to kill as many Jews as they can by acting as human bombs - Israel still holds out hope of making peace.
Mariem - instead of relying on Jew-hating journalists for your (mis)information concerning Israel - take a trip there yourself. See with your own two eyes what is really going on in the Jewish homeland.
At 3:38 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Judith, darling, it's funny you should be the one to say: "How can you compare what Israel has had to do to reign in terrorism to the Holocaust??", when you support the portrayal of Barack Obama as a Nazi on this very site (under "Is this the End?"). What has Obama done to deserve this comparison? You are either a hypocrite or just plain dumb.
At 3:45 AM ,
Anonymous said...
The only things that even come close are racial and ethnic cleansing in places like Darfur, and even that's a far cry from the industrialized and organized mass murder of the Holocaust.
Let's keep things grounded in reality.
At 3:56 AM ,
Anonymous said...
If there is genocide committed against Palestinians, how come their population keeps rising so fast?
Also, if Israelis poisoned water for Palestinians, where did the Israelis get their water from? They all drink from the same aquifer, you know?
On the other hand, some of the stories people tell on this site are full of s**t too. There's a common will among radicals on both sides to keep this conflict going for as long as possible. They can raise more money and recruit more people to do their bidding this way. On both sides.
The only way out of this is to realize that there will either be peace, or justice, but never both. Both sides of the conflict will be left with less than they hoped for, but at least they won't be killing each other's children.
At 5:17 AM ,
Anonymous said...
@ anonymous,
I never started the topic of Obama and Hitler, nor did I post the photoshopped picture. My references to the Holocaust were about liberal Jews supporting Obama who has known alliances with terrorists, radicals and Islam. That is betrayal in any century.
I'm happy to help you connect the dots. No doubt your inability to comprehend what I'm saying is part of your system of denial that helps you sleep at night.
Also, keep in mind Merlot and email don't mix. Try to focus.
At 5:42 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I think it would be helpful if you kept your identical links to me under one thread. Unless of course, you're so desperate for attention, you feel the need to stalk me.
At 6:31 AM ,
Anonymous said...
If you wait just a bit longer you will not find these powerful evil forces.
They all will vanish like smoke.
The enemies of E"Y are the same enemies of HaShem.
The Moshiach is on His way. The only paper that will be valued on that day - will be The Torah.
All eyes will see the Glory of HaShem. Amen.
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