Where's Waldo?

So I finally bit the bullet and joined Facebook. I resisted for a long time, but it's sort of like hanging out under water - eventually, you have to come up for air.
When I built my profile, I thought it would be nice to jazz it up a little. I got myself the Jewish Gifts application, sent out some Flowering Gifts, and decided to have a whirl at the Where I've Been application. I've been to some cool places, and have even more dreams of travel (location number 1: The rest of the GREATER LAND OF ISRAEL!!!! - you'll be visiting me soon in my snowy winter residence in Damascus, B"H), so I thought - hey, why not.
So I quickly labeled countries (I'm sure there are more for me to add), and then stepped back from the page. This is what I got:
I looked at all the countries and states, and noticed one particular thing - I can't see Israel. Can you? If it's there, it's like, a pixel. And that got me to thinking about the political situation here in Israel (yes, you're right, even pancakes could get me thinking about the political situation in Israel, but still). All we have is a pixel. And the world wants me to split up my pixel? I took too much from the world? - a whole pixel? The world looks so large next to Israel - it's as if we're not even on the map. Yet we are the focus of frontpage stories of newspapers in every country and every language in the world. So I zoomed in further:
Now, thanks to good genetics and religious usage of sunglasses, I can see Israel. Compared to Africa (where Kenyans are currently slaughtering hundreds of children and old people with machetes and burning down churches, amidst a sweeping plague of HIV - is that making your front page?), not large.
Then I maxed out my zooming capability:
Now I ask you - HAS THE WHOLE WORLD GONE INSANE?! What am I looking at here? What the hell is that? And perhaps more importantly in the context of Facebook, where am I in this picture? I told the stupid program that I live in Israel, but I don't see my town, or even my region on this map. And furthermore - who designed this program? You know, sometimes I feel like the whole world is against us, but COME ON! Can I NEVER escape the seething urge of the nations to divide up my country and kick me out of my house? Even on Facebook, I have to face the so-not-subtle angst of the world's hatred? Geez....
I could tell you to bombard Facebook with your complaints, but this is only one small example of a much bigger picture - a whole map full of it.

At 8:48 AM ,
Malkah said...
If it wasn't clear to you - the application designers cut Judea and Samaria out of Israel. That's what's supposed to connect the tiny sliver of land at the top of the image of Israel to the tiny sliver of land on the bottom.
By the way - a good blog topic for someone with GPS: the system is notoriously awful in Judea and Samaria. Recently, a man using GPS in our region was tricked by the system into driving right into Ramallah - he escaped with his life. The system makes no distinction between roads drivable by Jews and roads that have been deemed Jew-free.
At 3:18 AM ,
David B. Greenberg said...
I share your annoyance, but it really isn't the app designers' fault that the Jewish heartland is excluded from Israel on their map. It's chiefly the fault of the Israeli "leadership," which steadfastly has refused to annex the territory, and worse, keeps giving more of it away.
At 6:39 AM ,
Anonymous said...
You mean to tell me that ALL roads aren't Jew-free? Looks like there is still work to be done!
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