Winograd: the Right is Missing the Real Game

The Right as a whole thinks Zehava Gal-On is right wrt the Winograd Commission. It figures Olmert, Peretz and Halutz are covering their collective tukheses and the protocols need to be published.
However, you guys are missing the real dynamic, I believe.
The Committee operates according to the rules of the Old Boys Network. Zehava Gal-On, Edna Arbel and Dorit Beinish are feminists, hence they are enemies of the OBN. The men have their military aura and the secrecy that surrounds them and the halo of heroism - these things are anathema to the Pinkettes. So the idea is to break them down and show them who is boss.
This is the constant strategic theme of the Gal-Ons: never give the Patriarchy a moment of quiet, cow it into submission, break down the symbols of power: everyone must know the President is just "Katzav," and a rapist - even if he hasn't even been charged and the chances he really used force are slim to none. That's what Shelly Yehimovich and her media collaborators are there for. Ramon has to be dangled in the public square, because he dared to challenge Beinish's hegemony. That's what women like Hana Beit-halahmi are there for. And the Winograd Committee cannot hide behind the mantle of importance that these "security matters" always give men. Who needs men? Bah to military secrecy! You have no secrets, heads of the Patriarchy, you have no place that is just yours, where you can feel safe.
Compare that with Beinish's firm stand against writing down a protocol in the Committee for Appointment of Judges. That's writing, not publishing.
Committees like this must enjoy some kind of secrecy. They must be respected. Even if we can't stand Olmert. Nasrallah and Ahmadinejad despise us as it is, there is no need to let them gaze directly at the bowels of the Israeli defense establishment with a colonoscope, just because Gal-On & friends think it is a male bastion that needs to have its nose rubbed in the mud every week.
Labels: Gil Ronen

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