Jewish Heroism (Re)Defined

There is much to say about the unfortunate fact that "Yom HaShoah V'HaGevurah" was established by the Knesset against the will of Israel's central Rabbinate. Nissan is a month of rejoicing, where eulogies are not delivered, public fast days are not allowed to be established, and "Tachanun" is not recited. A more appropriate time to reflect and mourn the Shoah is on Tisha B'Av or the Tenth of Tevet (established as "Yom HaKadish Haklali"); nonetheless, we do not separate from the "tzibur" and respect the observance of the general public.
Among the hundreds of thousands murdered in the Warsaw Ghetto, was the great Gaon and Tzadik, Rebbe Menachem Zemba zt'l Hy'd, murdered during the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, Pesach 1943:
"Of necessity, we must resist the enemy on all fronts... We shall no longer heed his instructions... Sanctification of the Divine Name manifests itself in varied ways... (now) when we are faced by an arch foe whose unparalleled ruthlessness and program of total anihilation know no bounds, Halacha demands that we fight and resist to the very end with unequaled determination and valor for the sake of Kiddush HaShem."
Rav Zemba spoke of Jews who "wish to see very soon the establishment of Jewish sovereignty, out of their great desire to sanctify the name of Heaven in the eyes of the nations, to show them that after thousands of years of Israel wandering about the earth, the pain of their national destruction has not yet passed, and they shall live again..."
To learn more about the great Tzadik and Jewish Hero, please click HERE and HERE

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