America does NOT have the Answers!!!

Heyo, hope you all had an amazing Pesach, and next one G-d willing we will all be in Israel.

I have been out of the loop for a while, meaning I haven't had Internet for a week. But when I went to surf the net for some interesting info, I keep hitting a topic, that is really old, but still seems to hold clout and be really annoying. "For the first time in years the US and Israel are not seeing eye to eye regarding key issues" stated in an article on ynet
But its not only ynet that feels this way, I think its a running theme in Israel today. They no longer think or speak from themselves. Instead they look to the high and mighty America for the answers and cures to everything. Well since I don't want to sound like broken record, instead, I'm going to let you know why America not only has no answers anymore, but its a tad on the confused side itself.
As one reporter states "America's government is broken and its leaders corrupt. Our homeland security is being jeopardized as is our economy due to poor border control and unwillingness to tackle tough issues on our own soil. Before going abroad to police the world, we should get our own nation in order." Hey, doesn't this sound familiar? Isn't this what Israel is doing also? Maybe America is learning too much from Israel? America has Al Sharpton, Israel has Abbas. It seems like both countries are in the same boat... But one is Israel, a Jewish nation, that has its roots buried in the land for over 3000 years. And America is but a child compared to Israel's linage, why do we continuously feel the need to look up to them? And when we don't see "eye to eye" we start getting nervous, as if we can't stand on our own. I wish I could give out t-shirts that say " I don't look for answers, I HAVE THEM." Because if Israel continues to look to America for guidance, and continue to depend strongly on anyone but themselves, things aren't going to get better.
Okay, so its known that Olmert and his posy's are all corrupt... done. Its been established that the Oslo accords were a waste of time...check. We know relying on other counties for support is weaning thin... kapish. So now what?
Well now, we run our government, with out kissing up to anyone. We close our eyes, put our feet on the ground, know that this soil has a story to tell and that story is still being told, and we are going to be its tellers. Deep down, every Israeli knows what is right, that's not where the fight comes. The fight is when we know whats wrong, and convince ourselves and everyone else that that's right. But as Jews, like cats ( I like cats, I do a really good impression) we have second chances. Throughout history we are known for screwing up, but then, royally rectifying it.
I think its been established that we messed up. Now its our time to work our magic that has been passed down through each generation since our fore father Avraham, and as New Yorkers would say "work it."
So stop looking to America or other countries for answers, look inside, its all there, if you don't believe me, I got the oldest book in the world to prove it, the Torah.
Aight... work it...
ttfn, Dftss ~ Shualmit
Labels: Activism, America, Jewish Pride, Shulamit

At 1:15 PM ,
Dan Balsamo said...
Excellent post! I enjoyed myself while reading it. Yes this quite old and rubbed off topic to discuss, but I do feel you have a passion for our motherland. True enough that Israel has way a lot more history than all of Americas put together. I myself am sadden of the fact that we have not come to realize the superiority of this. Our forefathers are probably looking down on us with the look of disappointment and anguish. Well, one can only hope that our people and the entire Jewish community will come to realize that we can stand on our own and we are well capable of solving our own problems..
Mel Balsamo
At 11:23 PM ,
Shulamit said...
Thanks so much for your kind comment :)
At 12:35 AM ,
Anonymous said...
AS always, very good and well said. Now it's time to get your word out to more people....
from the old to the young
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