Introducing. . .
We've said it before and we'll say it again. The Aliyah Revolution is happening and singles are a huge part of it! This summer hundreds of singles are coming Home with Nefesh B'Nefesh! Others are planning to come Home soon. But sadly too many "give up" Aliyah for a fear that it will hurt their chances of getting married. On the dating scene Aliyah becomes reduced to a mere "preference."
KUMAH believes that in the Age of the Aliyah Revolution there is no need for anyone EVER to "compromise" on Aliyah - the biblical dream coming true today - for "Shidduch purposes." There are simply so many Aliyah-minded people out there all over the world. And just think your Bashert [soul mate] might be already waiting for you in Israel!
KUMAH's Project SingOlim seeks to encourage both Homeward-bound singles and single Olim alike, by pointing out how much is ALREADY being done. But we'd like to go even further. KUMAH is planning some exciting events. We're also building a database of matchmakers specializing in helping "Aliyah ONLY" singles for those that prefer that method of dating. And web construction has started on our brand new website. Soon enough singles will be able to post their profiles there.
In the meantime check out our website:
And join our Yahoo-group:
Also, KUMAH needs your help to make Project SingOlim a huge success!
We are looking for volunteers in the following areas:
Programmers (all types) - We would like to expand our website and add lots more functionality.
Graphics Designers - And we're always interested in making it look its best too.
Researchers - We need help gathering information (compiling lists of Shaddchin for example).
Writers/Editors - There are plans in the works for a weekly newsletter. Also we may add special features to the website as well.
Shaddchin - If you understand what singles mean when they say "Aliyah only" (not just "Shana Rishona") and would like volunteer to help these singles out, anywhere in the world, let us know!
Event Organizers - We've got lots of exciting ideas for events but need help carrying out the logistics.
Fund Raisers - Simple Equation: More funds = More of Kumah's Project SingOlim = More Success!
Married Olim and Married Future Olim - Would you like to share you story with us? Would you like to "adopt" a SingOleh or a SingOlah? We're looking to launch a Buddy/Pen-pal type program.
Miscellaneous - If you can help out any other way let us know! Even if you can't think of a way but would like to be involved - we could use manpower!
E-mail Pinchas at Kumah dot org. Include you name, contact information, where you are (eg. NY, LA, Har Nof), what talents you have and how you can help.

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