The Legacy of a Redeeming Force

Today, the third of Tammuz, is the tenth anniversary of the passing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, ZTL. The Rebbe is widely considered to be one of the singlemost influential Jew in modern times. His momentum continues to propel the incredibly successful Chabad movement even ten years after his passing from this world.
In addition to his incredible wealth of Torah knowledge, and knowledge of the sciences and the modern world, it was the Rebbe's caring for each and every Jew in this world that defines his legacy. His incredible yearning for the arrival of Moshiach has spread throughout his movement. In his honor, we should all pray to see the arrival of Moshiach each day during our lifetime.
Though he never stepped foot in Eretz Yisrael, the Rebbe cared deeply for the State of Israel. He actively encouraged those Jews of the Former Soviet Union to make Aliyah, by committing monetary and other resources to ensure that those who wished to arrive in Israel could.
One time the Rebbe was approached with by an ardent Zionist. The Zionist challenged that as the General of a massive Jewish Army, the Rebbe himself should fulfill Aliyah and then his followers would certainly join him. The Rebbe replied something to the following "If a General is on a sinking ship, is it appropriate for him to get off the ship first and hope that all of his followers make it as well? Rather a responsible General will ensure that each one of his officers will get off the ship first, before he himself will find safety."
The Rebbe often guided leaders of Israel on Israeli politics and military strategy. His political views on Israel can be read in the short and sweet book "Eyes upon the land."

In a conversation with Ariel Sharon following the Six Day War, the Rebbe asked specific, pointed questions about military strategy involving details that could not be known by any man who was not in the battle or war room in the Knesset, establishing his status (possibly) as a modern-day prophet. In addition the Rebbe gave now Prime Minster Sharon political advice for today's times.
I certainly hope and pray that the Prime Minister is explicitly following the Lubavitcher Rebbe's advice. The Rebbe had tremendous insight into many matters (including those of the political and diplomatic spectrum), even when it would appear as though he was not directly or remotely involved.
For those of us living in America, I can say with certainty that there is a feeling in the air in Eretz Yisrael that just does not exist here. But I will suggest that one can find this feeling for a few moments by visiting the Kever of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in Queens.
I believe full-heartedly that the Rebbe is indeed the Moshiach of the Lubavitch movement. He single handedly redeemed an undermobilized Chassidic Movement, turning it into the driving force for restoring Jewish awareness and performance worldwide. Today one cannot go to any city in any country with Jewish inhabitants and not find a Shaliach of the Rebbe.
I bless that the fervent nature of the Rebbe's movement will continue to spread the knowledge of Torah and fulfillment of Mitzvot worldwide, and that each of us will find our own redemptive forces, eventually realizing for ourselves and witnessing the arrival of the age of Moshiach.

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