Still Supporting Israel?

When we, American Jews, state that we "support" Israel, what we are really saying is that we are not Israel, we are extrinsic to Israel, we are divorced from Israel. If you "support" it, you are not it.
So wrote Kumah's Yishai Fleisher last September in a widely published must-read article, Stop Supporting Israel. But American Jews still don't get it! Now mind you, this is a seemingly awkward position for Kumah to take. After all these are the "good guys" we are talking about. If we are criticizing them - who won't we criticize?
But that's our point. It is precisely those Jews - the ones that do all they can to show "support" - it is time for them to understand, while what they are doing seems good, they can do even better! They must do better! In fact, in a very strange sense being content with continually showing supporting for Israel from abroad is actually, dear I say it, harmful for the long term health of the Jewish people. We are becoming alienated. We are solidifying our standing as what Rabbi Y.S. Teichtal ZT"L termed "exile Jews." We are saying Tehillim [Psalms] "for our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael" when we should really be saying Tehillim "for Klal Yisrael." You see, there is no "US AND THEM." We are G-d's Chosen People and We are ONE People, with ONE Torah and with ONE Land!
Yesterday, I got a letter in the mail advertising this year's Orthodox Union Convention. And it truly is wonderful that they are holding it in the only place in the world where it makes sense to hold such a convention: the Holy City of Jerusalem - truly "the eternal capital of the Jewish people" as the flyer contends. Furthermore, Kumah absolutely recommends everyone go. Not only is it a great program but you can also save some big bucks on airfare! And it is very encouraging to see that one of the very first bullet points on the agenda is for strengthening Aliyah. Perhaps Kumah will even show up and suggest some of our Neo-Zionist ideas for mass Aliyah.
But what bothers us is the big banner headline exclaiming VISIT ISRAEL NOW! THE MOST EFFECTIVE SUPPORT YOU CAN OFFER. And the sub-headline, Nothing you can do for Israel is more meaningful than traveling there.
Oh, really? NOTHING? How about LIVING there?

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