Dangerous Threats?
We usually don't post about American politics but I figured since there's already precedence why not?
Well this ad came out today:
It's supposed to appeal to Americans that care about Israel I guess... well it's nice to know at least someone thinks Americans care about Israel...
Well this ad came out today:
It's supposed to appeal to Americans that care about Israel I guess... well it's nice to know at least someone thinks Americans care about Israel...
Labels: America, Government, Land of Israel, Pinchas, Video

At 10:22 PM ,
SCMirman said...
Seriously? You are going to post a pro-McSame video on your blog. Perhaps it is best you don't comment on American politics. The TRUTH is that the policies of the Bush administration, the same policies John McCain supports, have made not just America, or Israel, but the world less safe. What should we do? Invade Iran as we did Iraq? I'm sure the Allies of the US would love to see us continue to use our daily-draining resources abroad instead of domestically. I'd prefer a president who thinks before acting, who understands the complex issues facing America, and I wont vote based on how America will or will not help defend another country, even if that country is Israel. Do you honestly believe Obama wouldn't provide adequate help if Israel was under attack? Rather, how much help as Bush given us? It is this simple-minded approach to politics, this right-wing fundamentalism which is a poor substitute for thinking. This fear-mongering which is so pervasive on the right of this party which drives us liberals to so adamantly oppose a hawk like McCain, our big issue in this country is the economy, and until we can fix that, we can't help anyone else. I love your posts on this sight, the view you give me of the holy land is what I need, but this trash, this spin, disgusts me.
At 10:57 PM ,
Anonymous said...
scmirman, the economy?? really?? You and all your liberal obama groupies who like to stroke him morning , noon and night are isolationists. Since 9/11 you cannot call foreign policy 'fear mongering'. Those are the facts. And just because you say otherwise, dosen't make it so. Israel has a gov't and an army because it is a nation. It is not a colony. America has not been a perfect ally due to the State Dept policies but America has been the best hope for Israel in the world. Oh, and btw, since your chains are rankeled already, let me say, the surge worked! HA! judith
At 11:32 PM ,
Pinchas said...
First of all there was no endorsement. I would and will gladly post any Obama ad geared toward people that care about Israel as well. The point was that I believe a large segment of America doesn’t care about Israel at all, and could not care less if heaven forbid something should happen to her. This ad shows otherwise. It was made for someone. And the truth is I was being unfair. Indeed there are plenty of American’s that do care about Israel. And it’s nice to see at least one candidate is not embarrassed to advertise it.
And another truth is it really doesn’t matter who is President of the United States is because he’s not running the show anyway. Certainly not when it comes to the safety of the Jewish people. That’s why Kumah never endorses anyone. We endorse G-d!
But for the record – billing McCain as a Bush clone is a very tough sell and I don’t see how any intellectually honest individual could buy that argument.
At 12:14 AM ,
SCMirman said...
Well i just typed a real nice response, which was wiped away when I changed my login information. Great. So here I go again.
To the individual who proclaimed the surge worked. Wow what an insight! You mean to tell me that when you aren't doing so well in a battle that increasing the number of troops would help? Wow, how insightful (this was of course years after Dubya proclaimed mission accomplished of course).
And to those who state that Americans don't care for Israel/Israelis. You are probably correct, but I am reminded of my own view of Iraq/Iraqis, I didn't care much for those entities, while of course as a Zionist I care deeply and love the Holy Land of Israel.
All I mean to say is that if you possibly believe that McCain really cares so much more about Israel than Obama, you are terribly misguided. A McCain presidency does nothing more than make Israel, the US and world less safe.
As far as McCain being a clone. Well lets see, he supports the failed economic policies of George W. Bush, he supports the failed foreign policies of George W. Bush, he has voted w/ the Bush administration 95% of the time. His view of social issues is nearly identical to those of George W. Bush. In fact the only time in the past eight years McCain deviated from the Bush administration was about 8 years ago, after McCain and Bush were at odds over some exceptionally negative campaign efforts on behalf of our current commander-in-thief.
Isolationist views? Perhaps, but we here in the US have some seriously pressing domestic issues to solve before we can once again put serious efforts towards helping foreign entities. I prefer to have my tax dollars (which, by the way, haven't decreased under 8 years of Bush) promote the well-fare of my fellow Americans rather than help rebuild a country we never should have entered militarily in the first place.
Agree to disagree, but G-d willing we will have President Obama to start healing our pressing issues both internationally and domestically starting next January.
A good thing however about McCain, if he becomes president.. well a good thing for Israel, I believe you'd see a continued increase in American Jews looking for a more balanced society in the Holy Land and therefore making Aliyah.
Just how I see it.
At 2:01 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Ben Shapiro has an excellent article on EXPOSEOBAMA.COM
Obama Hussein Barack (don't you just love that name?!) is losing voters because he has been sooo successful getting his message out and guess what?? The more the American people hear his message the less they like it.
For the record, we are not in a recession. The Dems and the liberal media have proclaimed about 17 recessions that never exsisted. They love to do this during an election year. I'll let you connect the dots. All I know is stocks are rising and everytime I go to Walmart middle class America is filling their baskets! judith
At 10:30 AM ,
SCMirman said...
I don't believe this is the appropriate forum for our discussion, however I would love to figure out why you are so unfortunately misguided and uninformed.
Not in a recession, well then even the republican party must be promoting an economic situation which doesn't exist.
if you have the salt. which as I found out as an exec member of the college democrats back in the day, the campus republicans wouldn't debate us.. they said they wanted to, but never committed, because they knew they couldn't compete when the FACTS came out.
no recession. tell me then why the resort town I live in is HALF as busy as last summer? tell me why so many people with college degrees aren't finding jobs.. tell me why every major economic publication (even those historically more right leaning) are calling this a recession... do you even watch the news??
At 5:43 PM ,
Anonymous said...
You have no facts. Your statements are hear say and speculation. It must be a real mind blower to be challenged. No doubt it's hard to get oxygen whilst finding a comfortable spot up Obama's happy ass. judith
At 6:07 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Oh, and one more thing...resorts??...college grads?? Oh, boo-hoo. Do you even know what a recession looks like?? judith
At 6:45 PM ,
SCMirman said...
Yes. As a student of Political Science, History, Criminal Justice and Economics I am quite more versed (obviously) than you, to determine what a recession is. And this will be my last comment to your unreasonable self. I read your exposebarack article on townhall. There is a reason I don't read Conservative smut. It has ZERO content, it just repeats gaffs gaffs gaffs and just says that people dont like Obama's message, but never states what people dont like about his message.. You just wait lady, just wait and see, President Obama will follow in the great footsteps of President Clinton, JFK and FDR. I hope you realize that you aren't arguing with a democrat here you are arguing w/ a socialist.
All you conservatives are the same, empty statements, lambasting people over their names.. come on.. give me an argument with some substance and I might begin to respect wind-bags like yourself and Ann Coulter. But I can't because neither of you purport anything more than the pissed off 5th grader mentality which seems to get the GOP hard.
At 10:48 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I'm so impressed with the elitist liberals like yourself who have to stand on the mind numbing rhetoric they learned in their socialist universties. You obviously have been successfully programmed. Congratulations! I for one think for myself. I lived thru Jimmy Carter's recession in the seventies and I can tell you, first hand that nothing close to then is happening now. Moreover, if you are so well educated about economics, you would know that all news publications are first and foremost, businesses trying to sell their stories. If that's what you consider informed then you are fooling yourself. If recession talk sells, then that's what they'll print, right or left, it makes no difference. As long as you and your fellow obama groupies keep to yourselves and wait to ambush people on your web sites, I really couldn't care less what you believe. You may be selling but I'm not buying. judith
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