Abraham Waxman, a prominent Jewish-American sociologist who has written much about American Aliyah, recently wrote an
article in the Jerusalem Post, arguing that, contrary to conventional wisdom, it may make economic sense for American Jews to make Aliyah:
THE HIGH cost of Jewish living has had an impact on patterns of American aliya. Those for whom living a Jewish lifestyle is more important are those who are most likely to make aliya because their lifestyle costs are much lower in Israel. Ironically, although American Jews have traditionally associated making aliya with economic sacrifice, aliya can make economic sense...
Waxman ends with these words regarding the potential consequences of America's economic downturn for US Jewry:
Although America's Jews have enjoyed unprecedented degrees of equality and a sense of being at-home that they have not experienced in any society in which they were not sovereign, there are no guarantees that this will not slow down, if not reverse direction. While such a forecast is not on the radar screen, anyone with a sense of history cannot be too certain that it cannot develop.
Labels: Aliyah, America, Economy, Exile, Ze'ev
At 6:53 AM ,
Anonymous said...
The large scale aliyah that the Jewish People needs will not happen for reasons pragmatic or economic. Because this last wave of aliyah will precede the Messiah, it must come as a result of spiritual awakening. Only will any significant number of Americans make aliyah when they realize that to ascend, one has first to climb.
At 10:34 AM ,
SCMirman said...
I agree with your statements, but you may see a great influx due to economic conditions at home, combine this blog w/ the other post about Scott Tobin, and you see what lots of us American-Jews are seeing, a place where we can contribute to a society which actually appreciates your contribution. I am a very proud American citizen, and even I have spent considerable time investigating Aliyah recently. For whatever the purpose, the result is what matters, a stronger, more successful Israel, more diverse, and hopefully safer.
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