Way to Go, Blogs!

For those of you who weren't aware, there was a big blogger's conference run by Nefesh b'Nefesh recently, in which English-speaking bloggers in Israel met, talked about who they are and why they blog. Because our very own Yishai Fleisher moderated one of the panels (go Kumah!), I had the opportunity to learn about some of the blogs, as we perused the musings of the nice Jewish boys and girls/men and women who were on his panel.
Confession time: I don't read blogs. I know that's lame, as there is an unspoken understanding that all bloggers are required to be loyal to the medium by reading other people's blogs. Which leads me to confession number two: I don't listen to talk radio. As a radio broadcaster, this is pretty treasonous, I know. I guess I just didn't get into blogging because of my love for blogs, or into radio for my love of radio.
In any event, I want to thank Nefesh b'Nefesh, whose conference I did NOT attend, for opening my eyes to how truly fun and interesting Israeli Jewish blogging is (the ynet article called it "kosher", but I'm not sure all the blogs apply for that status. Not to say that treifish blogs aren't really entertaining, Jewish, or Israeli, they're just not necessarily, well, kosher).
I'd like to feature one particular blog: What War Zone.
Benji Lovitt, who started blogging in 2006, basically caused me to fall crying into a half sitting, half floor-lying mass of streaming tears as I engaged in one of the best and longest laughs I've had in a long time.
I'm not saying I'm going to be "a blog reader" now. But I'm definitely going to be reading this one. I don't know if he likes or dislikes what Kumah stands for or writes (he hasn't linked to us), but I like what What War Zone is all about - noting the hilarity of Israeli life, and therefore loving even those things that we all tend to hate. The post that got me hooked was about secular Israeli weddings.
Thanks Benji.
And by the way - if there's an Israeli blog that YOU love, let us know about it! Preference will be given to blogs which don't use the words "occupied territories", "friggin' settlers" or "just once I wish that I could show everyone what's what by eating a pork sandwich on Har HaBayit".

At 2:36 PM ,
Benji Lovitt said...
Holy cow, what a great post! : ) Thanks, Malkah! Would you believe that I'm from Dallas, TX, not too far from Sherman?
I'll try to keep you laughing.
At 4:53 AM ,
Jack Steiner said...
I'm not saying I'm going to be "a blog reader" now
You're missing out on all the fun. ;)
At 11:39 PM ,
Pinchas said...
I was looking forward to meeting you! You better come next year! :)
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