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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Slaughter At Mercaz HaRav

Just about an hour and a half ago, a few hours into the month of Adar II, at least 7 young Jewish men were murdered in cold blood by at least one Muslim terrorist at the flagship yeshiva of Religious Zionism, Mercaz HaRav. Reports are wildly varied - for the latest, go to Israel National News. At this point, officials believe one terrorist opened fire on students in the school's library, killing seven and wounding 10, some seriously. The terrorist was shot in the head by a student of the yeshiva.

This horror can only be increased by the fact that bombs continue to fall in the Western Negev and in Ashkelon. A chilling picture I saw today of an elderly man being evacuated to the hospital after a missile fell in Ashkelon, city of 120,000, has since disappeared from the news site in which I saw it.

Reports from Gaza suggest an atmosphere of celebration and merriment in the wake of these events.

I'm not even sure how to react yet, other than to try and contain the nausea and trembling that want to overtake me. As I struggle with it, I am starting to piece together a recent understanding - the rabbis are under attack.

The reason I note this is because of two other recent news stories. The first piece of news I heard a few days ago, during the first wave of major missile fire against Ashkelon. Somewhere toward the end of an article on the aggression, I read that the area around the Baba Sali's tomb in Netivot had been hit by the rockets. Today I heard that the grave of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak from Berditchev was desecrated in Ukraine. And now, on the beginning of the month of Purim, the happiest month of the year, Rav Kook's yeshiva is attacked - Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook's yartzheit is on Purim.

I'm trying to make sense of this realization so that I can better grasp what Hashem is trying to tell us in this very difficult, painful time. In the meantime, I leave it to you to ponder, and to pray.

As for myself, I pray that Hashem will give strength and comfort to the families of these holy young men, who were gathered in the evening for the purpose of learning Torah. May Hashem allow them to see justice for their sons and for their nation, and have no mercy in destroying everyone connected with this slaying, and all of their allies, down to their very foundations. I pray that Hashem will give us the wisdom to see past these events, and give us the gift of surviving until a better day will dawn. May the G-d of Israel have mercy on His people, and guide us forward in strength and holiness.


  • At 3:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    How many more pictures like this do we have to endure? How much longer will we tolerate traitors in the Knesset who give comfort and aide to the enemies of Zion? We must serve Hashem but he does not tolerate such injustice and inhumanity. He has given us the ability to prevent these events from occurring but, we must stand up for ourselves. If the leadership of Israel will not defend Sderot, why would we think they'd defend our children in Jerusalem? They're too busy removing Jews from their homes and destroying Jewish communities. It's past time to remove Olmert, Peres, Barak & Co. and to tell Condi Reich to get out of our Nation and take these enemies of G-d with them. It's time to stand up, past time. We have NO friends only those who want to destroy us. As my wife and I continue with our plans for Aliyah late this summer I have news for the Arab drek, Olmdert & Co. and the US regime, WE WILL NOT BE DETERRED. All Jews should be making Aliyah now, it's no different than during the Exodus from Egypt except we must show our devotion, dedication, fear and love of Hashem. The best way to mourn for those who have been victimized by the evil in the world is to destroy the evil, ALL OF IT. Once more, we have NO FRIENDS, only each other and if we don't unite and rebuild the Holy Temple, then we will have failed Hashem and all of our ancestors not to mention our forefathers. Most Rabbi's in America do not mention anything about Aliyah and that is both shameful and sad. It's murderous events and innocent victims like these fine young men who continue to suffer as we sate ourselves and fatten ourselves up thinking because we attend Shul weekly that we're good Jews. No longer will that serve as a proper answer. We only have one answer, MAKE ALIYAH NOW. There are those in the Israeli gov't, the secular forces working to end Aliyah or make it much harder to accomplish so the sooner the better. It's expected of us by Hashem. The diaspora has ended so if you remain outside of Israel, like all those lost in Egypt, you will be lost. Jews in America will become the victims of an economic system that has begun the process of self-destruction due to the greed, self-serving politicians, and corporations that no longer remember why they were created. Maybe this isn't the place to write all this but, I don't post often and I do believe the best way to honor these young martyrs, true martyrs, is to make Aliyah and build Israel, the Holy Temple, and serve Hashem. He and only He can truly avenge their loss of life at the hands of evil. Time is short my brother and sister, we must unite no less than those who left Egypt. We must evict those who worship the golden calf from amongst us. Someone, a wise person once said, 'Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it.' Well, either we work together and receive Redemption and Deliverance or we will be destroyed and the work will be left to another generation if Hashem allows it as everything I've learned and listened to from our Sages points to THIS time as THE time for us to complete our Commandment to be a Light to the Nations.
    I am not the greatest Jew, I pray to learn as much as I can from the Yishai's, Chaim Richmon's, Tovia Singers and others far wiser than me. I hunger for Hashem's words in both spirit and mind. I want justice for all my brothers and sisters who have fallen victim to the evil forces of both the enemy and the Erev Rav. Soon I will be in Israel and have my chance to help my family, the family of Judaism.
    What should be a time of great happiness is stained with the blood of these young martyrs, the residents of Sderot and the Negev under daily attack and every Jew who has perished at the hands of the enemies of Hashem. I pray He gives me a way to be of service and to help the Holy Israel and defeat her enemies which are His enemies.
    All that matters now is that the Jews in the diaspora go home, home to Israel for it's the Mercy of Hashem that has brought about the end of the diaspora for it was He who scattered us to the four corners of the earth. We will have this one chance to do the right thing. Whenever the situation, no matter where it's been, gets bad whether economically, shortages of food, or whatever the problem is that develops, it's we Jews who are the ones that receive the blame. We become the reason for whatever has gone wrong. This will become very clear shortly in America where the camps are already set up. For the last time I'll say that TIME IS SHORT, make Aliyah now so we can UNITE and fulfill the Commandments. Either we stand together and serve Hashem or do I even need to aver what fate awaits us if we don't? We have enemies within and without and a house divided cannot stand. The House we must build is His House. If a regular, plain, simple Jew, a nobody like myself gets it, then those who know far more than me should also get it and realize it's time to Sound the Shofar. For whatever reason, it is OUR generation that has received the call to end the diaspora, make Aliyah, and rebuild the Holy Temple. Hashem will defend us if we follow the Torah. Shame on those who choose to abandon their family. Shame on those who choose to look the other way and deny the martyrdom of these fine young men and every other Jew who has been martyred simply for being a Jew or living in Israel and loving Hashem. I pray you find the strength to do the proper thing or even recognize that's it's the time to fulfill our destiny. It's only been nearly 2,000 years. Did you think it would be forever? Did you think it would not even happen at all? The size of the remnant won't matter, all that matters is that there is a remnant as in the days of Esther. I look to the Sages of Israel to lead us down the proper path to the righteousness of Hashem, His Law and Justice, and His Love for His People, the Children of Israel.


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