Olmert is the Left's Sharon (Sort Of) + UPDATE

Olmert, to the Left, is like what Sharon was to us. Sort of. He was elected on a platform of appeasement but then changed his mind about it, just like Sharon was elected on a platform of patriotism and then changed his mind about it.
As I spoke to a friend today it hit me that the Wicked Witches of the Left were probably on the Wino Commission's tail just to make sure the committee understood its job was to topple Olmert. That is why they terrorized it. This is how they work! They are like bees!
םיצוק שאכ וכעד - םירובדכ ינובס
Well in that case, it did what it was expected to do.
What I understood after talking to my friend is that the hard Left apparently wants Bibi to be PM. It's not hard to understand why: they know he'll be up against the most pressure any Israeli PM ever faced, and that other than his little measly coalition, nobody will be on his side.
Since he is no Ben Gurion or HaRav Kook, eventually he'll break. He's caved before, and he's a pretty easy target, representing as he does the interests of the rich, and being a generally pompous, somewhat slick guy, without a hell of a moral backbone (Bibi has one surefire way of getting out of trouble: he starts saying "Yoni". He is The Knight Who Says "yo-Ni!").
This got me upset for a while because I, like most of us, have major apprehensions about Bibi anyways. But then I thought "so what?". So what if the hard Left wants Olmert down. It still doesn't mean we should not want him down. Sometimes the interests of the messianic Left and the Messianic Right converge.
What I understood after talking to my friend is that the hard Left apparently wants Bibi to be PM. It's not hard to understand why: they know he'll be up against the most pressure any Israeli PM ever faced, and that other than his little measly coalition, nobody will be on his side.
Since he is no Ben Gurion or HaRav Kook, eventually he'll break. He's caved before, and he's a pretty easy target, representing as he does the interests of the rich, and being a generally pompous, somewhat slick guy, without a hell of a moral backbone (Bibi has one surefire way of getting out of trouble: he starts saying "Yoni". He is The Knight Who Says "yo-Ni!").
This got me upset for a while because I, like most of us, have major apprehensions about Bibi anyways. But then I thought "so what?". So what if the hard Left wants Olmert down. It still doesn't mean we should not want him down. Sometimes the interests of the messianic Left and the Messianic Right converge.
PS - Olmert and Galon don't like each other. This was a very funny moment in the Knesset's history. You should see the video here. Olmert slamming Galon and Galon cackling furiously.
UPDATE: maybe it's like this - Olmert isn't giving the Left the goods (Disengagement II) so they ratchet up the pressure. Winograd, etc. Olmert meets Amoz Oz, starts promising stuff. And now, it seems, he is also starting to deliver. So maybe they'll lower the flames accordingly.
Labels: Gil Ronen

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