Orange alive in NY and FL
Hey all hope you had an amazing Independence Day.
While looking at some pictures from here and here I notices that Orange was still popping up everywhere. So I decided to check and see if we here in America still have "it" and here is what I found....

So this is to show, that even after all this time, and an ocean away, we still remember and we still support and we still believe that eventually we will get Gush Katif back, and the WHOLE land of Israel, that was promised to us. Amen!!!
Have a good one, don't forget the omer
~ Shulamit
Labels: Activism, America, Jewish Pride, Shulamit

At 9:16 AM ,
Shulamit said...
Side note: these pics were all taken with my cell phone, so sorry if they are a tad fuzzy ;-)
At 11:07 AM ,
Avi said...
It would help if you ... I don't know. ... actually lived in Israel.
Don't endanger my security from abroad.
Live in Israel and ensure a strong Jewish majority is the only way to hold on to land.
At 12:51 PM ,
NG said...
I believe there might be a strong inverse correlation between the amount of orange a person uses to accessorize and his or her willingness to sacrifice to prevent Expulsion 2005 and further expulsions.
It may also be that orange is just a tool we use to pacify ourselves.
At 3:00 PM ,
Pinchas said...
Don't you mean DFTSSH...
At 3:01 PM ,
Pinchas said...
or DFTCSH actually...
At 7:28 PM ,
Unknown said...
WOW, nice comments so First, AMECHAD,
I understand what you mean when you say to talk only when you live in Israel, but I try to live in reality, and right now I am not able to move, G-d willing I will, but just because I am not in Israel, does NOT mean, I can't still wear orange and feel connected. In life everyone has their challenges, and for me right now, its to be living in America and I am going to love Israel and show my support where ever I am!!!, Second... you should not judge until you are in the other person's shoes :-) but thanks for your comment, and I am sure glad your living in Israel. Kol Hkavod, and thanks.
~ Shulamit
At 7:44 PM ,
Unknown said...
Hey NG,
Thanks for your comment. I partially agree with your point.
Having someone in America put an orange ribbon on their car, is not that great when you compare it with actually going to Gush Katif and being pulled off a building! But I can't speak for everyone, but for me, I started with just an orange bracelet and signing petitions, which was BIG for me. But I felt it was something (which might be what many others feel) However, after I did that for a bit, I felt I needed to do more, and I did. I flew to Israel with a group and did not go on vacation, but went right to Gush Kafit, Neve Daklim and showed my support. So for me, it all started with the "passive" show of some orange, which grew into real action.
So I would not be too quick to say that it’s not worth anything for people to just show orange and not do any real action. Since no one knows what entices the action to be formulated in peoples mind, and for me it was that small orange bracelet, and me looking at it each day, and reading the news, and saying "hell no, I have to do more."
Thanks for your comment :-)
~ Shulamis
At 3:05 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Um, tying a yellow ribbon is actually an American tradition in a time of war. And my zadie ties a ribbon on his antenna to recognize which is his car. But nice try.
At 8:00 AM ,
Shulamit said...
Hey anonymous,
Its not yellow,,, its ORANGE, but thanks for your comment.
Anyhow, I respect what your saying, but you have to know that sometimes the little things are what makes life fun and interesting. And sometimes doing an orange ribbon on a car, does the trick to get things rolling, so I don't count anything out :-) And I shall continue trying ... Thanks
~ Shulamis
At 1:34 PM ,
גיל רונן said...
Maybe you can come to Israel and tie a red white and blue ribbon to remember the US with?
Just a thought. No hurry.
At 10:39 PM ,
Ezra said...
Rav Kook at the beginning of Orot MeOfel teaches that one who is truly on their way Home to Zion already has the air of the Land of Israel surrounding them. They have not yet planted their roots but they have the air. They have the high air of the new oleh, the clarity fresh of what the Land is all about and why they know they have to be there.
Once you ascend, you board a roller coaster. You ride it, try to deal nicely with your land and your brothers in it, and plant your roots, often confining that high new-leh-ness to Sabbaths and long hikes to destroyed Jewish communities in northern Samaria.
I bless you Shulamit, to continue on your Aliyah journey and bring all your friends and neighbors with you. May you and Am Echad meet randomly at some rocky spring in Gush Etzion (I have a feeling that is within his 'consensus') and he will finally not have the cheap out in the argument. That pummeling with go down in history. Kidding, Am Echad. You'd give her a run for her money.
At 1:59 AM ,
Shulamit said...
Ha ha Gil... and maybe I will... and I'll save one for you too :-)
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