An Open Letter To Yishai

Dear Yishai,
I love you but this latest post of your's doesn't sit well with me. I don't feel it has a place on the Kumah website. Just as a picture of Neturei Karta burning an Israeli flag, which I posted, has no place here. Do people really need to see these pictures of pigs? You may be the co-founder of Kumah but the Kumah message has taken on a life of it's own. And that post is not Kumah. Perhaps it's Kumah-style but it's not Kumah!
Let's go straight to the point? Jews living in Chuz L'Aretz are responsible for Yerida? That's like saying the Israeli aggression is responsible for Arab attacks on Jews.
Who is responsible then? There are only two correct answers.
A. Hashem.
B. The Yared.
As I wrote in my comment, if Hashem decrees you can not enter the Land you could be Moshe Rabbanu himself and you are not going to enter the land. By your logic you could be Moshe Rabbanu - and even want very much to live in Eretz Yisrael - but nevertheless your presence in Chutz L'aretz makes it easier for Yardim. So are you saying Moshe C"V is a Chazer? Are you saying our own beloved Shulamis, by residing in Chu"L is responsible for Yardim?
Another point. Do you think most Yardim are Dati? And actually think they say about American Jews, "I could be just as frum as these American Jews?"
Reality check: Most Yardim are not Dati and never even heard Lecha Dodi sung on Shabbat. They grow up in places like Haifa and Ramat Gan raised to be like the other nations especially America. And so where better to live the American dream but America. That's why they choose America! Not because there are Jews there but because there are cars and big houses and because money grows on trees in America.
And do you know what happens to these Yardim? Some Yardim who are after the American dream end up in places relatively void of Jews. But others - since they have the option - choose to live in Jewish areas because they might as well be near Jews. And do you know what happens? They start going to shul on Friday night because it's right next door. The shul in Haifa was a mile away. And they start getting closer to Hashem. Closer then they ever could have gotten in their setting in Eretz Yisrael. I have seen this happen with my own eyes countless times!
And then you know what happens next? They return. They come home. And then they get even closer to Hashem here than is possible anywhere else in the world. I see this happening too!
Ultimately every Jew has Eretz Yisrael inside of them. Every Jew has the yearning for her. That yearning is awakened best by positive thoughts. (It's easier for the Yared to come Home since they have the language and the culture.) A Jew native to America will need an even more positive message as they will face more challenges to make Aliyah successfully.
Yishai, it bothers me too that it doesn't seem enough American Orthodox Jews seriously consider Aliyah or even give a single thought to it. But the way to get them focused on it is by promoting the positive aspects of Aliyah and the beauty of life in Eretz Yisrael. This is a message Kumah has been building up for years since it's inception and it is the proper authentic Kumah message.
Everybody out there - click on this link !!!
This is link if FULL of Klassic Kumah posts. Scroll through the whole thing! Authentic Kumah. Go on click it! Look at those post. Each and every one of them. Then tell me what we should be posting on Kumah.
B'Ahavat Yisrael,
Labels: Aliyah, America, Classic, Exile, Kumah, Pinchas, Yishai

At 11:07 PM ,
Unknown said...
I agree with Pinchas,
This pink colored family is just not very pleasing to my Jewish eye.
I guess , Yishai wanted to apply some “Shock therapy” and make us all start thinking in the different direction.
Shabbat Shalom to wonderful Kumah,
At 3:01 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Mazal tov, Fleisher. You've created a monster.
At 8:41 AM ,
DK said...
Where in the Torah does it say we are not allowed to see a pig? Should we also refrain form pictures of lions, tigers, and bears?
At 10:55 PM ,
Pinchas said...
Where in the Torah does it say we are not allowed to see a pig?
DK, the Torah does not forbid pictures of pigs as far as I know. But if pictures of pigs or Israeli flags burning don't invoke any strong negative emotions deep inside of you - you need to do some serious Jewish soul searching.
At 12:11 AM ,
Ezra said...
I don't mind seeing pigs. Obviously you haven't watched Charlotte's Web (the 1973 animated musical version - not the cruddy 2006 one).
And a burning Israeli flag? Meh (as they say). There are plenty more where that came from. I'd rather see it burned than worshiped, know what I mean?
In any event. I really am not sure I understand this post. Since when did anyone get the impression that we ever planned on giving American Jewry a free pass on their hypocricy? Since when is a fatalistic attitude that compares laziness and excuses with Moshe our Rebbe at all Kumah-like.
Since never. And saying this thing or that thing are in the Kumah spirit also misses the (Aliyah) boat. Kumah means Arise - get up. Realize God put you on this earth with hands, strength, a mind and a heart to be able to rise above comfort and excuses and do that which you heart knows it what has to be done in this generation - as cushy and post-modern as it may have seemed (or still seems if you live under a really nice rock with great Kosher sushi).
So yeah, I have done the soul-searching suggested in Pinchas's comment above, and this is what I have come up with:
If you are an American Jew reading this site, there is obviously a part of you that knows where you need to be. Nobody is knocking your eight-year plan - if that is what you really have. If you are on your way, then Rav Kook says you've already got the air of the Land of Israel surrounding you - share it with your friends and family, get them addicted, bring them home too. That is Kumah.
But there is no denying that there are those that smell that air and see it as a side-dish, a spiritual Disney-Land to be used as a garnish for an illusory full Jewish life in the exile. That is a lie. Kosher-style. It is not the pig, it is the Hebrew National hot dog stand on Park Avenue. It is the Second Avenue Deli. Halevai it were the pig, at least there would be a recognition, a visceral Jewish knowledge of how lame it is to choose to reject the land. But there is not that.
Kumah is very much about letting those folks know that we know and we know they know that sitting this part of our history out on the sidelines, while pretending they are doing something important, fools noone - particularly not the Most High, though I don't presume to know His priorities (beyond His pretty obvious obsession with this Land being the staging ground for the entire Sinaitic document (the Torah)).
To sum up. I think a post with a little Charif for every hundred or so feelgood ones is not only needed, but long overdue. It is open season.
Kosher-Style. Still can't get over how good that title is.
At 1:20 AM ,
Pinchas said...
You totally (conveniently?) ignored the part about where the Jews with the eight year plans are responsible for yerida. The part about where ALL Jews in Chutz La'aretz are chazarim. If that's not what was originally posted that's certainly what it sounding like to all those people that took Kumah off their favorites bar. And I feel sorry for you too Ezra if you don't cringe at least a teeny-weenie bit and the sight of a chazer. Anyone that takes the "Jewish Project" seriously certainly would. (Which is why I'm stumped by your comment!) And if you are getting frustrated that positive thoughts are getting the Jewish People nowhere let me reassure you they most certainly are – I see it all the time and I'll see it again this week. There are ways to be stern and there are ways too step over the line. And Yes, calling Shulamis, Kosher-Style is over the line.
Shavuah Tov!
At 1:44 AM ,
Ezra said...
First of all, there is no line. Second of all, if there were one, using Shulamis as a straw-woman when she is not the topic of this discussion is over it because it purposely skirts the very real issue, which is philosophy more than geography. The philsophy that keeps the religious exile thriving as an ideal should elicit the very emotion that you feel toward a pig.
I personally do not see why a pig should make anyone uncomfortable - what, you judge an animal by its ability to be eaten? Are you grossed out by horses?
That is neither here nor there, but to address the one subtantive issue, which I guess is what pushed your buttons in the first place: non-olim being responsible for yerida. I definitely see the truth in that, though I really think that folks who are able to live with the internal contradictions and meninglessness of their own unfulfilled theology are not going to be moved by being blamed for others joining them in that boat. I guess the only ones who would be moved by that actually would be someone like Shulamis that is in the US for logistical reasons, knows where she is heading toward and is now being blamed for others jumping ship.
Hey, nobody said the eight-year plan didn't have down-sides.
And I never said the 100 positive posts weren't moving mountains, because they are. But maybe if Yehoshua and Calev had given the other spies a little bit of tough love they wouldnt have had to sit around 40 years waiting for everyone to die so they could enter the land.
NbN can't say these things. Someone has to. And this blog and Kumah and Neo-Zionism are inclusive of many different approaches toward the Jewish Project. Why are you so certain about this red line? I am just not sure what bothers you about this line of reasoning? Now that I think of it, you seem to be attacking your own previous "disturbing photo" post - which basically insinuates something presumably negative about a whole demographic of Jews whose story is not aired and who may have some very important points. If there is any "line" then it is lashon hara about an entire group of Jews - even if they are Neturei Karta.
This is fun! I hope we didn't scare away all the other commenters. Shavua tov!
At 3:18 AM ,
Pinchas said...
Yes, I also hope we aren't scaring away commenters (why would we?) and we would appreciate anyone's input into this discussion. (I'm working on bringing HaloScan comments to Kumah so you could follow along with a feed - stay tuned.) Anyway let the fun begin…
What's disturbing is that the photo makes headlines around the world and that there are Jews are actively praying for the death of Israel which would necessary result in the death of many other Jews - and perhaps their own. Indeed the Neturei Karta position - the position of the Satmar Rebbe has some VERY good points which I will perhaps blog about. This is not the position of 30 (yes, not more than 30) people that call themselves Nerurei Karta and marched in sackcloth in Ramat Beit Shemesh B on Yom Hatzma'ut or the 5 kids this AP photographer focused in on in Meah Sharim. Many Jews are woefully ignorant about just who the Neturei Karta are. Topic for another post perhaps - but they are not the folks you see on T.V. (They are the folks - a third of the folks - behind the Bedatz kosher label so many Jews consider the best Kosher certificating agency in the world.)
Next, a pig unlike a horse (or lions, tigers and bears) is a commonly eaten non-kosher animal. It is unlike any other animal in the following ways. First, it is the only one that publicly displays its split hooves declaring "I'm Kosher!" The Torah (in a portion read just a couple of weeks ago) specifically warns us to be careful to avoid pigs. Furthermore, did you know it is even forbidden to raise pigs? Did you know it is even forbidden to do business in pork products? (Choshen Mishpat 409). Are you familiar with the damage one little pig did to Eretz Yisrael and to the Jewish People in the time of King Hyrkanus? (Baba Kama 64, Sotah 49, Menachoth 64 or if you prefer Talmid Yershalmi, Brachos 4). Perhaps I'll quote the full story in a post some time but Rashi's punch-line is that the pig invoked Divine Wrath. There's no other way about it. Any Jewish indifference to the image of a pig stems solely from ignorance of Jewish history and Jewish law or simply a lack of appreciating its symbolic and spiritual significance.
Finally, there certainly is a red line. The red line is an elitist's attitude towards Jews that are not as fortunate as we are to have the divine approval on our Aliyah. Calling them pigs certainly is over the line. Not understanding that this is a red line is a very dangerous and counterproductive notion indeed.
Again – though we'd like to believe otherwise, Aliyah is still something we must merit. The exile is a divine punishment. There are an infinite number of factors that could prevent or cause Aliyah to be delayed. There are also an infinite number of excuses.
What's unacceptable is the posture of Jews not even trying – of not even thinking of trying to make the journey home. Furthermore it's unacceptable for Jews to mistake the excuses as legitimate factors. And both of these plague American religious and non-religious Jews alike. Perhaps taking are harsh stance against THEM (and not the Jews that read our blog and are trying to come home) might serve as a wake-up call. (Though how it will wake them if they don't read our blog I don't know...)
Bottom line, if you are going to be firing pigs out of a canon make sure you hit the target.
I await Yishai's response to my letter.
At 2:14 PM ,
Aaron Amihud said...
yishai is right and pinchas is wrong. and pigs are very very cute.
At 9:51 PM ,
Ezra said...
FYI, Yishai is on Internet-free vacation somewhere in the Holy Land. Rak shelo tachshevu she shtika kehoda'a.
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