Tzipi, Save Us!

O Tzipke, now that Olmert is tottering please take over from the good-for-nothing men so that the Female Underground may become the Female Overground and finally bring peace between us and our virile neighbors who simply need a good motherly hug from our women to come to their senses and let us live.
For Tzipke my Tzipke, we know that women can make peace while men are silly neanderthal war machines. May we live to see UNSC Resolution 1325 implemented in the Middle East, and may all those hirsute Israeli men go away and be buried under a mountain of child support payments while the rest of us eat shawarma and knafeh with those husky mustachioed Ayerabs and their great after-shave. Yay!
PS: how do I know nobody is actually going to bother to click that last link and read it and try to understand that the feminist movement is the most potent force for Western appeasement out there? Because I do, I'm smart like that. Who in his right mind is going to bother trying to find out what 'gender mainstreaming' even means? It's much easier to walk to Homesh and say hayo lo tihyeh, which is all the Israeli right is there for I guess.
Yippee! We walked around the Border Police! Messiah is coming for sure.
(Gil Ronen and his silly rants. What did his mother do to him?).

At 5:31 PM ,
David B. Greenberg said...
You're right about Livni, but it will take a lot more than that to keep her out of office. Most importantly, I think, everyone needs to be made to understand that she's a complete idiot, as illustrated by everything that comes out of her mouth, and therefore incompetent to hold office.
At 7:49 AM ,
גיל רונן said...
PS I am probably wrong about Homesh, and I apologize if anyone felt I slighted this great effort. Also, I wasn't there, and I am told there really were tons of people there, and I even admit it inspired me and gave me more optimism and confidence, which is what this is all about, so I guess I really talk like a fool and an ingrate sometimes to get a rhetorical point across. With this self flagellation I bid you adieu.
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