Israel Day Parade?

So I was going to write this a couple of days ago. But a wise person once told me, to never write when your really angry, instead, chill out a bit, and see if you still feel what you want to say, because words are very powerful, and once spoken, are very hard to retract. So going against my nature, I listened...
This post will not be as sharp as it was going to be, but still voice some harsh criticism. A part of me feels that I am not in the position to say what I am about to, but I waited till the chill took over, and I still don't get it. I know I still live in America, and I know that some people think that, in itself, would nullify any views that I have about Israel and its future, however, I am a Jew, before an American, and for that reason, I feel a connection to a place that is not currently my reality (except when I close my eyes), but is still close to my heart. So for everyone reading this, take this paragraph as a warning, and if you are one of those that feel only people living in Israel should have a view regarding its land, proceed with caution.
That being said, I am proud to admit that I boycotted the Salute to Israel day Parade in NYC this lovely Sunday. Instead, I took my bike up to my nephews and went biking and had a bon fire. I have been going to this yearly salute to Israel parade for a while. Sometimes I march and other times I help activism run freely through the crowds of on lookers. But this year, I refused to be a part of it. The reason is really quite simple, but since I am Jewish, I will try to make it as confusing as possible.
Last week, I felt the Israeli people had the capacity to over throw the most corrupt government that I have ever known. Not only the ever so popular monetary issues, but also moral, and worst of all lack of common sense and direction for their nation. Before the Winograd Commission came out, most people that know how to use any part of their brain could have told you that Olmert and his club members were unqualified and incompetent with running our precious country. But that was all "here say" since no factual "proof" was at hand. Kind of like when my friends wouldn't believe me when I would tell them that leaving Gush Katif would do more harm then heal, nearly two years ago. Today we know this as a fact, and no one will deny this. But before Gilad was kidnapped and havoc ran free in the strip, no one would believe this un documented concoction I was ranting about. Well Israelis, you got your proof. Are you satisfied now? Will you listen next time? Now, after its not only common knowledge that Olmert, Pertz, and Livni have no clue what they were and are doing, but it has been documented and accepted by a "commission" What are you going to do? Ohhh, lets all shudder, as if this knowledge was just unraveled and came to light out of the blue. But okay, I don't live in Israel, so this is me NOT judging until I am in the position. But as humans, when we find something out, that we know is wrong, and it's been proved and explained via hundreds of pages, GET UP AND DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeh, a rally of 150,000 people, that's a nice START... but hello, it's a start, not a response. Please tell me that wasn't your response. Look in the mirror, look who you are, and what each of you can do, realize that if one time you got over 100k, then DO IT AGAIN. Stop settling, and accepting the situation that you have allowed yourselves to be placed in (this is me NOT ranting). But for this reason, I did not go to a parade in AMERICA and wave a white and blue flag, that signifies a people that accept a government that allows its soldiers to be put in clear and present danger and NOT DO ANYTHING.
I will not associate myself with that. And although that flag signifies other stuff aside for the corrupt government, but in America, the flag represents the country. And right now, I can't. I just can't. Its one thing in America when citizens dislike President Bush and balm him for a war that some say he created. But where is my little "proof." The one thing that no one can bash. Who will admit with a clear conscience that the Israeli government has its citizen's intentions close to heart, or even near its body?
Then there is this parade, of people that wave a flag and prance around NYC all proud of supporting Israel, which I think is great, awesome, sweet, but really. I mean, really. Do you really need this kind of support, when you can't even get a government that doesn't care about you, OUT? What's up with Shas? Will they stay in a coalition that they know helped facilitate a war that was not planed from day one, and knew no victory. Israelis, who do you vote for? Who do you follow? Leaders that go toward money and when push comes to shove, will side with the corrupt rather then step down?
No I will not wave an Israeli flag in a parade down my hood. No I will not side with the corrupt government, nor with people that aren't pressuring their "leaders" to do the right thing. As you can see, you can't rely on them, now it's up to you. Or you can just follow and let our captive brothers stay where they are, and allow another war to ensue, and smile when you read about a bunch of Americans waving an Israelite flag through New York City.
I am really trying NOT to rant, and be chilled about wishing some of you could get some New York attitude in your system, and kick some... So instead, I am going to let you read the lyrics to a song, that when played really LOUD helps. I don't really like the band, but the lyrics are too perfect for what ALL Israelis should be feeling right now
You can listen to it,HERE
Partial lyrics: Dixie Chicks - Not ready to make nice:
I think this song is VERY self explanatory toward the topic at hand. However, if you would like me to reiterate the meaning that I find in it, I will be more the happy to comply. But for now, I think this post is long enough, and I hope I didn't upset too many people. But I'm not ready to back down, and you shouldn't either. I am here in NY and I am begging you guys, to WAKE UP, and don't just "get over it and make nice" because it's your life on the line now. No amount of Americans waving blue and white flags will "save" you this time. It's your time to get up and follow a leader, that's worth following, or at least get rid of the leaders that should be ashamed to exist in your precious country.Forgive, sounds good.
Forget, I'm not sure I could.
They say time heals everything,
But I'm still waiting
I'm through, with doubt,
There's nothing left for me to figure out,
I've paid a price, and I'll keep paying
I'm not ready to make nice,
I'm not ready to back down,
I'm still mad as hell
And I don't have time
To go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is
You think I should
I know you said
Why can't you just get over it,
It turned my whole world around
and I kind of like itForgive, sounds good.
Forget, I'm not sure I could.
They say time heals everything,
But I'm still waiting
Nighty night, Dftss, and the omer :-)
~ Shulamit
Labels: Activism, Events, Government, Music, Rants, Shulamit

At 4:27 PM ,
Unknown said...
Why such a big fuss about a bad government? We did not have a real good government since king Shlomo.
At 5:06 PM ,
Pinchas said...
I have to agree with zhenia.
I noticed a lot of Dati Leumi this year who were very bitter (understandably) with the recent governments and therefore did not say hallel or celebrate much on Yom Ha'atzmaut. The logic doesn't work. If you feel the formation of the Jewish State is truly "Rashit Tzmichat Geulateinu" you should be marching in the parade no matter what and if you feel it is not you should never have anything to do with the parade. The notion of "supporting Israel" when you like the leaders and "mourning Israel" when you don't is wrong and immature.
At 9:04 PM ,
Shulamit said...
Dear Zhina,
Thanks for your comment, however, just because we haven’t had any good leaders since King Solomon does not justify in my mind the acceptance of a bad government. I did not live in King Solomon's times; I am living now, and just because we have no proper leaders, don’t mean I will throw my towel in just yet. Who was Kahana and who is Moshe Fagalin? They are not on the same pedestal as King Solomon, but we live now, and that’s who we had, and have.
The fuss is being made, when you have a CHOISE to choose a better leader, and you DON'T because, hey, we haven’t had anything good for 100's of years, why try now... HELLOOOOO, I say try now, make a fuss, get upset, and change it. Don't live in the past, its over. You can't go back and change the war or bring back those soldiers and citizens that were lost, but you can MAKE A FUSS and try to make sure the future doesn’t look like this past.
So I would accept that we haven’t had any real good leadership for a long long time, but then look and try to make the leadership in our time, as good as we can, and not live in an excuse.
Have a good one.
~ Shulamit
At 9:20 PM ,
Shulamit said...
Dear Pinchas,
Thanks for your comment. First, I am not bitter. I am frustrated. And personally I think it’s healthy to be able to take a step back and speculate where you are coming from. Just because I did not march this year, doesn’t mean that I won’t march next, and it in no way has this affected my love for the land of Israel. Reality cant effect that, I am a Jew and innately I will always love that land, its part of me and you, as a nation, however, getting frustrated with the situation that is going on right now, and showing that, by not marching in a parade is a way of me personally dealing with it, even though I am not in Israel right now. I don’t see that as wrong or immature, but different preference then what you would do.
And I do support the leaders of Israel, such as Moshe Fagelin. But thanks for the comment.
Have a good one :-)
~ Shulamit
At 7:07 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Agree with every word. If only more people would think the same. But then again what's new under the sun, we always do it to ourselves...
Big Mo
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