Is Christian Support for Israel Legitimate?

Is Christian support for Israel legitimate? Israel National News has an article up about the Chief Rabbinate banning Jewish participation in a Christian group's (Bridges for Peace) women's conference scheduled for next week in Jerusalem. They claim that the organization's concentration on "Judeo-Christian values" and the study of "the Jewish foundations of Christianity" are forbidden. The rabbis ruled that these efforts are actually part of a long-running campaign to bring Israeli-Jews to believe in Jesus.
At the same time Pastor John Hagee gave a rousing "sermon" at the AIPAC conference which people are talking about.
My opinion:
I hate when people say "Israel - you are not alone".
A. We are not alone, so you don't have to worry about it, G-d is on our side, and so are people who are truly with G-d and B. We don't mind being alone. Nothing wrong with individualism. Sometimes when your leading you are alone at the head.
I hate when people say "Israel - we support you". Support means that there's a big entity and a small entity, the bigger helping the smaller. I don't think Israel needs Christian help (nor do I think Evangelical Christianity has helped Israel one iota) and detest the email I get from Christians who tell me that I should stop ripping Jesus if I want to continue receiving their support. The good people of this world do not need to flaunt their support if it comes from the heart. Have you ever heard Micronesia make demands on Israel in return for its support?
BUT while I hate "support", I do not mind cooperation and friendship. I have met Christians who are leaving their false beliefs in favor of a more Bible-oriented world-view. I have met Christians who believe in Israel with all their hearts. I have met Christians who inspire Israelis to believe in the Torah, and to our right to the whole land of Israel.
If we do not come to Christians from a position of the low-self esteem and neediness we will be able to recognize our true friends. If we impress upon them that missionizing will not be tolerated, they will learn to sublimate whatever false beliefs they have left in them. Israel does not need support, nor is Israel alone, however, Israel does know how to appreciate a good friend, colleague, or partner.
When it come to the "word" - I never stand for any Jesus-talk - I say plainly "We do not believe in that, and it goes against the Torah - do yourself a favor and rid yourself of false beliefs." Christians love when I talk this way because they know they are not dealing with someone who is trying to smooth talk them to get something. We must always know and radiate the fact that we are the Chosen people and we are the guardians of the Torah - anyone who is thirsty may come and drink. We, on the other hand, are not thirsty. This is they key to a healthy relationship.

At 12:16 AM ,
Anonymous said...
this is an important piece. may i please comment? first, immediately remove the symbol of the cross in the star. it is repulsive, offensive, and does not help the jewish people on bit. visual impact is deep on many levels and by using this symbol you are giving power to the christians.
also, because we are not to "carry the names of thier 'gods' on our lips"(tehilim) please use another word for their guy. say 'the founder of christianity', the guy you worship' or some other jewish religious acceptable term.
your point about "support" is very important. the question is how do we monitor and discern here? personally, i do not trust any of them. i detest their appropriation of jewish religious symbols. it is wrong and offensive, esp after 2000 years of jewish bloodshed, that they would wear a tallis or blow a shofar....i don't care how "connected" they feel. you feel connected? do it in your own tradition, don't desecrate our symbols and sacred objects. how do american indians feel when white people just put on feathers?
and, there needs to be a big push amongst jews to speak frankly to christians about the bnei noach (children of noah) movement so they can see there's a torah alternative to the idolatry of christianity.
i think the jewish people needs to be very strict,absolutely no b.s. and straight forward with christians, esp evangelicals.
they are so drunk on their own warped, arrogant, narrow fanstasies that many of them think they are better at the torah than us, that they are 'perfected jews' and they should have aliyah rights.
this is chutzpah on the second lowest level. the first being the islamic replacement theology.
jewish people must be very clear that we don't want to hear about christian love of israel until they totally dismantle their missionary/evangelical structure, (esp jews for j--). we must demand and expect respect and humility from the christians. after 2000 years of jewish bloodshed they think they can "love" us into their warped idoloatry? please.
lastly, their must be very clear education on the history of christian anti-semitism (cf leon poliakov's "history and literature of anti-semitism").
the more the jewish people demonstrate zero tolerance for proselytizing, missionizing, evangelism and consistently put our intentions in the face of these passionate christians, then and only then will they begin to learn.
we are dealing with a deep seated replacement theology that only understands an equivalent or superior force of conviction.
we are that superior force by nature of H's covenant with us at har sinai.
we must expect and demonstrate nothing less.
At 11:22 PM ,
Anonymous said...
u know what , i'm christian , i used to say muslim especially "Hozbollah " are makin a big mistake from what they are doing to you guys . coz if goin back in the time "Jewish" are the "Christian" enemies , and "JESUS" said "FORGIVE HIM FATHER COZ THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING "" but after reading ur comments i started to beleive that "HOZBOLLAH" are the only ones who understand you guy and they are right or else you shouldn't say so coz till now you are living without needing anyone but almost everyone one look to you as different from all the ppl . i used to say we shouldn't be like this we're all the same , but : we are "CHRISTIAN" FOR ALWAYS 2008 TRYIN TO KILL US YOU COULDN'T AND YOU WON'T BE ABLE .
At 12:14 AM ,
Tim Maginty said...
Joshua the Nazarene was a Jew from the Provence of Judea a Nation subjugated by the Roman Empire. My love for the Jewish people grows from my love of Joshua. I accept your hatred of me and your dismissal of my faith.
For my part I believe the Jewish people to be the Chosen People of Almighty G-d. It is H- that I serve and in serving H-s will I must serve and be a friend to Israel for H- has commanded that that should be so. It is H- that I give glory and service to and would give my life to defend Israel from the armies of the North that threaten it so as to serve my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...
I understand your hatred of me and all I can say is Pax Vobiscum and you have my love.
Deus Vult!
At 1:12 AM ,
Tim Maginty said...
>>>do it in your own tradition, don't desecrate our symbols and sacred objects.<<<
You are familiar with the mass suicide at Masada? The destruction of the Temple? Do you understand why the Roman Procurator Pontius Pilot washed his hands of the execution of Joshua and handed him back tot he Jews ( Rome wanted nothing to do with creating yet another martyr for Judea and so Pilot distanced Rome from the killing act.)
The Jewish people had suffered under the hands of the Roman Empire and had risen up messiahs too numerous to count; each was involved in Zealotry and perceived as a 'messiah'.
Joshua's arrival on the scene (as a 'messiah') was both consistent with Jewish experience at that time and a bold departure from previous messianic efforts (Loving your neighbor and turning the other cheek would not have been perceived as a practical means of defeating the Roman Empire). He was a Jew, speaking to a multiethnic audience all of whom were crushed under the Roman boot. He was not Jew-like. He was Joshua bar Joseph, descendant of the House of David...
You say for us to get our own traditions and I ask you what other traditions can be pointed to as our origins? We must start at our beginning; a beginning borne out in History by secular Roman and Greek historians... A history foretold by the prophets of the Talmud.... What the Jews are awaiting, Christians believe has already arrived. How can you you delineate between the two traditions? Are they not both the other's opposite in faith...? You may not believe that Joshua was the awaited for Messiah but Christians do. How could you possible seperate Christianity from its Jewish origin? It is only through the Talmud and the Jewish faith that Jesus Christ could have come to be believed in in the first place....
At 3:53 AM ,
Tim Maginty said...
One last thing. I found this site becuase i was looking for an armband that demonstrated my Christian faith and my support for Israel. The reason I wanted this was to have it on hand if the Neo Nazis started making noise again in this region. You may find the imagery of the Star of David with the Cross contained inside revolting but for me and my use it conveys my point precisely.
It would be gas on the fire... I'm not interested in converting you. I'm interested in opposing those that intend you harm. And not for gratitude (it will not be given) or to make myself feel better about your oppression throughout history (I'm Irish, we've had our own problems) but because I believe it is the right thing for a Catholic to do.
The reconstitution of the State of Israel is a weighty and joyous (or ominous as one's point of view may dictate) turn in the history of the world. Spiritual things are afoot and we should all stand ready... Just in case.
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