Boro Park Bathroom Holier Than Tel Aviv

Wasn't gonna let a gem comment like this get away buried at the bottom of a two week old post...
At 9:16 PM , Der Shygetz said...
This is one kosher Jew who will never make yerida to the failed Bolshevik "Israeli Soviet Socialist Republic."
There are only 2 places in the world (and I've lived in a supposedly anti-Semitic European country where never once did I have any problems) where I have been made fun of for my typical "charedi" dress. One was Copenhagen, Denmark, and the culprits were Muslim teens. The other was Yerushalayim, and it did not happen just once, either. And the culprits were deracinated descendants of tayere Yidden who were forced to secularize by the Bolshevik regime in the medina.
The Israelis, religious, secular, and yes, chareidi, are "playing country" the way we played store or house as little children. And Daddy, made up of the USA, Jews from abroad, and a few suspicious characters like Leviev and Gaidamak (intelligence-mafia operatives), Arison (fortune inherited from Daddy who left Israel and made in the USA), Tshuva (pushtak who got lucky), etc who made their money abroad and are laundering it through Israel, are paying the bill.
Your country is kosher style. It sticks out its kosher feet which is eretz hakedoisha that it occupies, but the rest is glatt treyf. It is an occupation force that is defiling Eretz Yisroel. There is more kedusha in a bathroom in Boro Park than in most of Tel Aviv.
Talk about a fat pitch...
Any takers?

At 3:33 AM ,
David B. Greenberg said...
Because actually doing something constructive to improve Israel would be so very below the dignity of this particular chutznik.
At 2:21 PM ,
Cosmic X said...
"There is more kedusha in a bathroom in Boro Park than in most of Tel Aviv."
The Torah tells us otherwise. If "Der Shygetz" really believes what he says, let him grow some vegetables in Borough Park, and then separate terumot and ma'asrot from them with a bracha.
The truth is that there is more kedusha in the lowliest place in Tel Aviv than there is in the holiest place in Boro Park.
At 6:04 PM ,
Anonymous said...
The pictured bathroom is so cute! I love the green milkpaint. I don't know, had there not been an illustration I would have laughed at the shegetz's commetnt, but that picture is a pretty powerful argument on its own. Just darling.
At 7:45 PM ,
Unknown said...
It’s about “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country”, Shaygetz
At 12:27 AM ,
Der Shygetz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 12:31 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey Der Shygetz,
I don't know about you but every time I get to Israel I can feel the
Neshoma Yeseirah while, Lehavdil, when I get to your "holy" Boro Park
my feelings are quite different - more in line with that toilet in the post.
Hashem Yerachaim. I really feel sorry for you.
At 12:38 AM ,
Pinchas said...
Yishai, Malkah,
You guys win. I take it all back. Der Shygetz is most definitely "Kosher-style" and that's being generous. Talk about your modern day meraglim...
At 1:59 AM ,
Der Shygetz said...
Sorry, but all I feel when I go to "Israel" is a sinking feeling of being in a corrupt, sub third world society. Jews are safer everywhere but Israel (even France will take a turn for the better after Sunday's election) and in any case I would rather go to the gas chambers with "Ani Maamin" on my lips than live to sing or even to stand up for "Hatikva". The first would be the end of my life on this earth. The second is the end of my chelek in oilam haba.
And unlike the Zionists and post Zionists who have one world and many getschkes, I have 2 worlds and one G-d. So I do not worry about a place to scurry for so-called safety, a place where I can flee an occasional swastika on a shul for a chance to be in the line of fire of hundreds of millions of Arabs who will in due time have access to nuclear weapons.
Religious Zionism, a proud and noble failed experiment, was doomed from the start. You cannot make a cake which calls for 2 cups of sugar with one cup of sugar (Torah) and one cup of lye (Zionism). The end result is poison. And I pity those who continue to manufacture and ingest that poison.
I also hope that Moshiach, who is the ONLY solution for Eretz Yisroel, comes very soon so that more and more refugees from the failed Zionist experiment do not join those already working off the books in Boro Park, where they put on black yarmulkes in the hope of landing menial jobs which just might entail cleaning toilets.
Oh, and some of those refugees, including some who really do find their way back to Avinu Shebashamayim while here in the US as well as some real pushtakim who just put on a yarmulke so they can get a hechsher, have opened shawarma and falafel joints where the food tastes better, and is healthier, than anything I can get in any place in the post-Zionist paradise.
At 12:28 PM ,
Pinchas said...
Fact: The Torah capital of the world is not Boro Park and not even Lakewood. It is Yerushalayim. You live somewhere where even the water is not Kosher. (Perhaps a sign from Hashem about where you should be living?) And when reports of bugs in the tap surfaced where did the Jews of Boro Park frantically run to for a pasak halacha? To Lakewood? To Baltimore? No... To Yerushalayim! To Rav Elyashuv, shlita. "Ki MiTzion Teitzei Torah Udvar Hashem MiYerushalayim!"
Fact: There are more gedolim living in the "failed experiment" than anywhere in the world. There are more gedolim on one square block of Bnei Brak or Meah Sharim than all of Boro Park and Lakewood combined! And I suppose you have never heard of the Ponevitz Yeshiva which, by the way, flies the "evil Zionist" flag on Yom Ha'atzmaut. Whoa is to them, as surely Rav Shach, Z"TL has "no chelek in oilam haba" for it (Chalilah to even type out such evil words!) You've also probably never heard of the Mir Yeshiva where they will be saying Hallal next week on Yom Yerushalayim. And the thousands of Talmidim shtiging away in the Chevron Yeshiva certainly proves your point well that the "noble failed experiment" is poison.
As for Tel Aviv, where would you have preferred to send 5 million frei Jews three score ago? To America where they can all go and marry goyim killing out more Jews than the gas chambers of the Nazi's ever could. Israel was a life raft Hashem in his infinite kindness threw to the Jewish people to save us from certain doom before it was too late. The fact that Koferim like Ben Gurion (Rav Kook, ZT"L, held that he was one) were Hashem's shlichim in catching this life raft is perhaps do to the fact that they - and not you - were the only ones willing to be masiras nefesh for it! Eretz Yisrael is inherently Kodesh as this is where Hashem's shechina rests and she is rising to a higher madrega every day. "It is a very, very good land!" Every week Rav Amnon Yitzchok, shlita, puts Tel Avivim on stage and cuts off their ponytails as they recite a shechiyanu on the new pair of Tzitzis they are handed! Israel is on her way up in Kedusha while Jewish America continues to sink lower as she approaches an 80% percent intermarriage rate.
You will NEVER be able to learn Torah outside Eretz Yisrael on the level that can be learned here. Rav Zera and others testifies to this fact many times throughout Shas! Furthermore it goes without saying that while you are saturated in the gashmiousdik fat of "Egypt" you can NEVER possibly reach the level of Kedusha that the Yidden here in Eretz HaKodesh reach. Perhaps this is why so many gedolim live here. But you know better. After all, you have the air of a Boro Park bathroom to enlighten you.
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