A Case of Bad Gas

The Jerusalem Post reports that Israel is considering signing a 15-20 year contract to purchase gas from a British energy company that would earn the "Palestinians" $1 billion. The gas would be supplied from the Gaza marine field, off Gaza's coast, which the "Palestinian Authority" has control over (as a e result of the "peace process"), thus earning them one quarter of the estimated $ billion deal.
Last month the cabinet approved continued negotiations with BG over purchase of the gas, a decision that necessitated a previous ban on buying natural gas from the PA. The change of heart, government officials said, was simply the product of economics, since buying the gas from Egypt, another option, would cost twice as much.Now, there are many problematic aspects to this potential deal, but here are two of them:
1) Would anyone care to guess what the Hamas led PA will buy with $1 billion? In short, this would not be the first time that the State of Israel would be funding our enemies efforts to destroy the Jewish State (See: The Oslo Accords / "Peace Process".)
The fact that there isn't a law forbidding such actions speaks volumes.
2) Equally troubling is why the State of Israel, which possesses very few natural resources, would give away a gas field off it's coast worth billions of dollars?
Once again, this is not the first time Israel has made such a mistake.
Post Six Day War, after Israel had liberated the Sinai peninsula, it was discovered that there were was enough oil reserves in the Sinai to cover 100% of Israel's energy needs for a long time to come. As part of the "peace process" with Egypt, Israel gave away the Sinai and all her oil fields, leaving Israel with no peace and no oil.
Those on the left often speak of how much the "settlements" have cost Israel. Well, I think the time has come to begin asking how much "peace" has cost Israel, both in dollars, and in lives.
Labels: Economy, Government, History, Leadership, War, Ze'ev

At 11:34 AM ,
Anonymous said...
The enemy is not the Arabs. The enemy is the U.S. gov't.
You don't blame the pit bull for attacking someone, you blame the pit bull's owner.
Jonathan Pollard was spying for an ENEMY country: Israel is the U.S.'s enemy. The attacks are outsourced to the Arabs with diplomatic cover from Washington because the American people who support Israel.
The kassam attacks are psychological conditioning to get Israel's residents used to living in a ghetto. See Dr. Eugene Narrett's books for more details
At 1:44 PM ,
Ze'ev said...
Dan - what on earth do your points have to do with the post?
At 3:30 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I'm just saying that the U.S. and the E.U. control Israel's puppet gov't and force Israel to give up land and transfer money and weapons to a Palestinian terrorist entity.
The Natural Gas deal is just another way of supporting this terror entity.
You suggest that Israel's leaders are stupid. They are not stupid, they are corrupt and under foreign control.
The U.S. forces Israel to commit suicide because it is opposed to Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel.
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