BREAKING: Elders Hold News Conference
A spokesman for the Elders of Zion, Mr. Larry Elder, is holding a news conference in which he is stating the Elders' recommended course of action in Sderot. I am liveblogging, here goes:
LE: ... the Elders recommend the following:
a) we get a normal Prime Minister instead of this meshugener shaygetz.
b) the new PM gets the IDF to build The Gazanator.
c) the new PM holds a news conference in Sderot in which he unveils The Gazanator.
d) The Gazanator is a computer connected to some Howitzers on one end and the Color Red incoming rocket alert system on the other. Basically, what it does is confirm that there is an incoming rocket and have a Howitzer fire a shell into a randomly selected point in Gaza's populated areas.
e) The PM then proceeds to load the Howitzers with shells himself, so as to make clear the responsibility for any "war crime" is his and his alone. He explains that once the Gazanator is turned on, the only thing that will make it fire shells are incoming rockets from Gaza, and the only thing that will make it stop firing shells is a cessation of incoming fire from Gaza.
f) PM turns on The Gazanator. End of story.
(silence, then commotion)
Labels: Gil Ronen, Good News, Israel's Borders, Media, War

At 4:27 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Sderot is only a symptom of a sick government. Why are Jewish governments so sick? You don't need the Torah to tell you to fight back!
At 4:46 PM ,
גיל רונן said...
We used to fight back!
But this generation was brought up to believe that fighting was macho violence and macho violence is the ultimate evil. That is what PC morality tells us. 30 years of brainwashing, that is why we don't fight back.
I have tried to write about this in many different places but everywhere I do, I eventually get stifled.
At 6:37 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Seriously, if we fire long enough eventually we will get others to see our point of view. This world needs more fighting! And we can all set an example. Fighting and violence begin at home. When my children get out of line I used to try to play the "intellectual" and explain to them why their actions were wrong. I have learned that the most effective technique is just to smack them and keep smacking them until they get it. I think that this will make them better equipped for the real world and they will thank me for it some day.
At 4:44 PM ,
גיל רונן said...
Well I don't know about the smacking - some tush-smacking is OK but if you don't know the limits you can get carried away. Also, if you smack the wrong kid he could grow up to be 17 or 18 and deck you in revenge. You'd better be sure the police department is on your side...
I think the Gazanator is a good idea. Also, I think it is time buildings started falling in Gaza, maybe in Syria and Iran too. They should just start falling. There was an explosion, the building fell. A lot of people died. Too bad! We don't know who did it!
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