Put your kids where your mouth is

I think that one of the reasons that this past war was such a failure is because Israels policy makers don't have to take any responsibility for their decisions. The worst that can come out of sometimes criminal policy- is that they may have to step down. Big deal. We see that Olmert and company are involved in shady and crooked dealings, and there is nothing to do about it.
All this is after Sharon burning down Shuls and desecrating Jewish graves- in order to sway the spotlight from his criminal actions involving his kids and some of his friends. Had he not been hospitalized, the worst that would have happened to him is that he would have had to leave office- with all of the millions made. No accountability. The interesting thing is that had he been running a company as a director of some sort, he would have answered to his stockholders in a criminal case, that would have resulted in monetary reparations and maybe even jail time. But when the company is the State of Israel, and the damage done is only mere dead Jews- no one holds him responsible.
I had a casual conversation with Raed- an Arab from Bet Lechem this past Friday, and among other things, he said that the reason that everyone loves Chasan Nasrallah- leader of Hizbullah, is because his Son is a "Shahid"- killed in battle by Israeli soliders. He does what he preaches- and he is willing to pay the price.
Our leaders on the other hand, make full sure that their children are well taken care of- far away from the battle fronts, when they send us suckers out to war without food or water.
I have read some of the bloggers here that do not understand why the Israeli public doesn't change the people in office. They can't. This is no democracy, and there is no reason that Olmert would feel the need to step down.
Labels: Baruch

At 6:09 AM ,
גיל רונן said...
Yabbut Baruch there are a lot of lefties, including radical ones, who have lost sons in the wars. David Grossman comes to mind, Nachum Barnea... Sharon himself was not exactly a civilian in Israel's wars.
You are right that there is no accountability. The media openly and unabashedly helped Sharon stay out of jail because he was going to destroy Gush Katif and even now some of them are helping Olmert stay in power with a 0% approval rating because they are afraid of elections. They say as much.
At 9:40 PM ,
Baruch said...
Yes, but remember that the wars looked different when Sharon was in power. I never said that lefties didn't die or go to war-- I said that the children of most of the decison makers today are safely away...
At 8:31 PM ,
NG said...
So ... what about a politician who only has daughters? Or one who doesn't have any children at all?
Testing politicians by which of them have sons who've fought and died is a lame standard that should have been put to rest generations ago. Israel does not send children into combat - we send (young, often immature) adults who are as capable of volunteering for elite units as they are of refusing to serve. In this age, all adults are responsible for themselves and their own decisions.
Olmert was no hero when he served in the military, but he did serve. Whatever his children do is entirely their own choice and it should have no bearing on how we judge him.
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