Look Mom, I'm on Google!!!

Every now and again I like to Google myself. (Yes, I just used Google as a verb - as well as a noun, in this sentence.)
I know. It sounds terribly egotistical. But, frankly, I have an inquiring mind, and I want to know where I stand in cyberspace.
Depending on how I spell my name (Zev, Zeev, Ze'ev...) I come across thousands of entries.
Here are two of the more entertaining ones.
1) From a comment on Matthew Yglesias's The Atlantic Online blog:
The Michael Rubin policy wonk neocons know full well that they're lucky to have escaped the noose for what they've done to America's place in the world vis a vis the Iraqi debacle and are afraid to go on the record again. Their real agendas can be found in the ravings of louche neocons Michael Freund, Caroline Glick, and Zev Orenstein. In short- they want to drop thermonuclear bombs on Iran, Syria, and Mecca. This is their hot and sticky dream scenario.To be totally honest, I haven't a clue as to what the guy is talking about. But, I am flattered to be put in the same company as Michael Freund and Caroline Glick. My only guess is that he might be referring to this article of mine.
And, as far as what might constitute my hot and sticky dream scenario... since this is a family oriented blog, something things are better left unsaid.
2) Recently, I was asked to write a d'var Torah for one of the many weekly Parsha sheets that are distributed in shuls throughout Israel.
Lo and behold... While I wasn't paid for doing so, it seems that I was given the title of Rabbi...
KashrutI wonder if this makes me the first louche, neocon Rabbi?
Rabbi Ze'ev Orenstein
Written by the rabbi...
Click here for more Shiurim by Rabbi Ze'ev Orenstein
According to Dictionary.com, louche means:
- Dubious; shady; disreputable.
- Of questionable taste or morality; decadent.
"Neoconservatism is the first variant of American conservatism in the past century that is in the 'American grain.' It is hopeful, not lugubrious; forward-looking, not nostalgic; and its general tone is cheerful, not grim or dyspeptic. Its 20th-century heroes tend to be TR, FDR, and Ronald Reagan. Such Republican and conservative worthies as Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Dwight Eisenhower, and Barry Goldwater are politely overlooked." [Irving Kristol, "The Neoconservative Persuasion," in "The Weekly Standard," Aug. 25, 2003]

At 1:13 PM ,
גיל רונן said...
Better louche than gauche!
At 2:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Louche is also the French word for ladle. Perhaps he is implying that you are ladling out too much rhetoric.
As for Caroline Glick, perhaps she shouldn't end every article with the statement that if we only had Bibi as PM, all our problems would be solved.
At 2:46 PM ,
Anonymous said...
you spelt 'enquiring' wrong, you mean 'inquiring'
At 3:27 PM ,
Ze'ev said...
Gil, I might take gauche over louche - I'd rather be tactless than disreputable or shady...
Dan, I agree with your comment about Caroline Glick - I think she's been drinking too much Bibi flavored Kool Aid.
Anon, thanks for pointing out the typo. It's been corrected.
At 8:23 AM ,
גיל רונן said...
Is this the same anonymous who wrote all those great ancient poems? I'm a great fan!
At 8:25 AM ,
גיל רונן said...
PS you can't blame Caroline for her Bibi infatuation. He's a good looking guy.
Trouble is when I see him on Fox he's perfect and then when I see him in the Israeli mudhole he just doesn't belong somehow.
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