A step-by-step guide to the dismantling of the Jewish State
JPost - This Way Out
Read the whole thing. It is a very long, detailed description of the exact plan for the beginning of the dismantling of the Jewish State. The cold and calculating language could have been crafted by Titus' generals. But instead, it was devised by our government. You really need to read it to appreciate the magnitude of what is about to take place.
And, as if it wasn't enough, according to the article, the evacuation of Gaza is slated to begin on 18 Tammuz, the day after the fast of Shiva Asar b'Tamuz, the day that Nevuchadnetzar breached the walls of Jerusalem. It is slated to take - guess how long - three weeks, in time to begin the evacuation of Northern Samaria on the day after Tisha B'av. This was planned by the Jewish government; surely they are aware of the symbolism. But it works for them - it shows the "Messianic fanatics" in Yesha that they lost - the Temple of the settlements has been destroyed, and the secular Zionism of old has been victorious.
I seem to be the only one on this blog who keeps posting about these depressing topics. I'm also the only one on this blog who, by the time Shiva Asar b'Tamuz rolls around, will still be living in the exile. (Although I look forward to the day that my wife and I will return to the land, we can't do so just yet.) But maybe the fact that so many people are actively participating in the building of the land will be able to counteract the forces who are actively plotting her destruction.
All summer long, the planes will be arriving. And that is the only reason why this Tisha B'av won't be like the past ones we commemmorate every year.
By the first week of summer, the whole region surrounding the Gaza Strip will look like a vast freight yard: crates and boxes and pyramids of supplies piled on roadsides and in fields, with tanks and guns, trucks, shipping containers and strange machines, bulldozers and cranes, armored buses and jeeps creeping unsurely along the tight roads.
Among the towers of war material there will also be refugee camps for Jews.
Read the whole thing. It is a very long, detailed description of the exact plan for the beginning of the dismantling of the Jewish State. The cold and calculating language could have been crafted by Titus' generals. But instead, it was devised by our government. You really need to read it to appreciate the magnitude of what is about to take place.
And, as if it wasn't enough, according to the article, the evacuation of Gaza is slated to begin on 18 Tammuz, the day after the fast of Shiva Asar b'Tamuz, the day that Nevuchadnetzar breached the walls of Jerusalem. It is slated to take - guess how long - three weeks, in time to begin the evacuation of Northern Samaria on the day after Tisha B'av. This was planned by the Jewish government; surely they are aware of the symbolism. But it works for them - it shows the "Messianic fanatics" in Yesha that they lost - the Temple of the settlements has been destroyed, and the secular Zionism of old has been victorious.
I seem to be the only one on this blog who keeps posting about these depressing topics. I'm also the only one on this blog who, by the time Shiva Asar b'Tamuz rolls around, will still be living in the exile. (Although I look forward to the day that my wife and I will return to the land, we can't do so just yet.) But maybe the fact that so many people are actively participating in the building of the land will be able to counteract the forces who are actively plotting her destruction.
All summer long, the planes will be arriving. And that is the only reason why this Tisha B'av won't be like the past ones we commemmorate every year.

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