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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Is This Cool or is This Cool?

To vote "cool" please say "cool" in the comments.

To vote "cool" please do the same thing but say "cool".

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  • At 5:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Thank you Gil for posting this. I have wanted the Jewish people of Israel to know how much Christians are supporting Israel. There is sooo much negativity coming from Israel National Radio on the 'J man', America being 'Gog' and the whole bit. America is Israel's best hope among the Nations. The whole conversion thing should just stop and let us, Jews and Christians, be unified on Hashem and the Old Testament. Let G-d be G-d and feel the love. judith

  • At 10:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    We want our Moshiach Now.

    Direct our thoughts to HaShem as one.

    Ask HaShem, together, with all our hearts and with all our souls.


  • At 9:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I am a Christian Palestinian. I am ashamed to see politicians claiming that they are Christians and siding with Israel and being silent to the injustice that is done against the Palestinian people.
    Those people have no understanding of the Bible.

  • At 10:44 AM , Blogger Pinchas said...


    (Why is it anonymous posters always have the most brilliant comments?)

    I agree. They should not be silent on the injustices that Hamas does to its people, committing warcrimes by firing rockets targeting a civilian population and forcing Israel to take the action necessary to protect her citizans. The Arab leaders and people should rather choose a truly peaceful route and cease all war crimes forever. Of course most Civilian Arabs in Gaza are equally guilty having democratically election Hamas on a platform of working toward the destruction of Israel, and this is indeed the most key component of their charter and reason for their existence. Hamas and those that elected Hamas truly did an injustice to the Palestinian people.


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