Messiah Musical
I have been inundated lately with tons of pro-Jesus email. This is due to the fact that I regularly dismiss Christianity as untruth, and dis Jesus as a false prophet-deity. My Christian listeners sometimes wonder why "my heart has been hardened" against their Messiah. It is with this in mind that I share the quite-offensive but funny video.
Labels: Spirituality, Video, Yishai

At 11:23 AM ,
Ben Kurtzer said...
I guess we should all start wearing buses around our necks!
At 6:39 PM ,
Anonymous said...
This is why the many theological problems exist today and are further excerbated between xtians and Jews. Image if someone put the Lubavitcher Rebbe in skit like that? What do you think the ramific tions would be ... and there are more examples out there as well.
At 2:22 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Wow, only TWO comments!! I know anything to do w/ Jesus generates more responses than that! If Yishai has the balls to put it up than he should have the hutzpah to print the contrary remarks. judith
At 2:25 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I assure you censorship is not responsible. Perhaps the Christian world has once again forsaken their Jew-on-a-stick.
At 2:03 AM ,
Anonymous said...
oh please, what KIND of stupid do you think I am? I submitted a comment prior to the last one and it was not posted. Jesus always was, is and will be controversial. Deal with it.
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