People ask me why I follow the happenings of the "Yated world" especially here on Kumah. The truth is that this "Yated world," while claiming (and I believe the claims) to have a deep love for Eretz Yisrael they still don't "get it." But I'm convinced that one day -
one day they will wake up and "get it" at last, and then another stream of the floodgates of Aliyah will stream forth. In the meantime they will write beautiful articles about how wonderful it is to visit Eretz Yisrael. Yes, one day they will "get it" - one day. Till then though they'll write things like this (bold mine):
"Watching Jews of all stripes streaming to the Kosel, parading down the ancient streets of the Old City of Yerushalayim with their lulavim held aloft, I couldn't help think that this is what the kibbutz goliyos will look like."
Labels: America, Exile, Pinchas
At 3:57 PM ,
Yishai said...
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At 4:05 PM ,
Yishai said...
"I couldn't help think that this is what the kibbutz goliyos will look like."
This small phrase is the exact description of those who 'don't get it'. They believe in the theory of redemption but REFUSE to see that is actually coming to fruition. In their mind this is what it will look like, not this is what it does look like. They are always in demo mode, they think everything is a dress rehearsal, and that is why it just "looks like" redemption. It's like they play a video game called 'Israel', then get up from the game and go to real life which is their job and house in America. In their mind, it will only be meaningful when they see Moshiach on a donkey. This is the Orthodox cognitive dissonance: seeing the Jews at the Kotel from the four corners of the world but it is though they are watching it on TV. They think: it's certainly not binding on me because the whole thing, (that is, the fact the almost 6 million Jews have returned to Israel) is all meaningless. It's like they are too bookish to actually live it. It's actually kinda sad.
At 9:09 PM ,
Aaron Amihud said...
yisha, i don't think it's a matter of being too bookish. i think they are concentrating on the wrong book.
i recommend for you, filled with love, that you consider the dissonance between judaism and the chumash.
a movement of fixing this dissonance could engage a good portion of the 80% of american jewry who are non-orthodox jews rather than waiting for the truly dogmatic to change their minds and habits and addresses.
At 8:43 PM ,
Bennie said...
A response to Yishai.
Yishai, truly this image indeed depicts an ingathering of Jews throughout the world. However, until the Temple is restored and the nation's this worldly rulers are Mashiach, The Sanhedrin's Nasi and Cohen Gadol the exile persists.
Therefore, pictures like the one above are not dress rehearsals but previews- teasers-fore tastes of what the redemption will be like. Just as Shabbat is a fore taste of Olam HaBah,
At 11:54 AM ,
Avi said...
The ingathering of the exiles is a handful of religious men? Where are the non-religious? The pluralistic diversity? The Keshet of Am Yisrael? Let alone our holy sisters?
At 9:17 AM ,
Yishai said...
What are you guys smoking? We are not talking about the image, we are talking about the fact that almost 6 million Jews live in the Land of Israel. The picture, without the oh so cherished diversity, is completely immaterial. Standing atop of Kever Shmuel yesterday, I saw the grandeur of Jerusalem and the millions of Jewish homes that have been built in the last 50 years. That is the ingathering and not a dream of what the ingathering will eventually look like.
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