This is not going to be one of those moving posts where we all float into the dawn of a rising Israel. Not because I'm going to yank the rugs out from under you and declare some sort of dissatisfaction with something, but rather because this is one of those things that's not about inspiration.
It's about avoiding pain and getting some expert work done.
Finding a good doctor in any country is a very good thing. Finding a good doctor in Israel is even better.
Might I humbly recommend Dr. Samuel Z. Abramson for any of your dental needs.
1. All his forms come in English and Hebrew
2. He's a native English speaker
3. He likes G-d.
4. Checks are payable to "Baal Shen Tov" (get it? Shen... tooth...)
5. His nurse is TRULY a nice person.
6. They serve you cold water when you come in the door.
7. The office is neat, clean, cool, and friendly - just the kind of thing we Americans love.
A long time ago, in a land far, far away, little Malkah had a cavity. She was afraid of needles, so they did the fillings... WITHOUT ANESTHESIA.
Needless to say, I was "hesitant" to return to do major work for an aggravated wisdom tooth. But Dr. Abramson was not only very calming, with a demeanor of kindness and professionalism, but he was PRO! As I meditated on the alleyways of Tzfat, the hallways of the Beit HaMikdash, and little funny dances courtesy of my husband (I really have to recommend these kinds of meditations to take your mind off anxiety), he operated on my sad little tooth. I didn't feel a thing - really! Because believe me, I would have bolted out of there with dental instruments streaming behind me...
Ultimately, I have to say that it was one of the more pleasant medical experiences of my life. Scarves (and kippahs) off to Dr. Abramson - 02-623-4679.
Check out his site.
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