
Dear Yishai,
I'm really hurting.
I have filled my Aliyah papers for my family and I, yet the more I read the news the more sick I become.
From Gilead
Please give me some words of chizzuk!
Aliyah is just like any other mitzva and we fulfill G-d's commands despite obstacles in our way. Your Aliyah is no favor to Olmert, it is a favor to you and your Family. It is a blessing for your family for generations to come. It is the fulfillment of our nation's dream of two-thousand years. It is G-d's will. If you are able to make it in the Land despite the challenges - you will be rewarded accordingly in this world and the next.
Other than all that, very cool people live here in Israel, and we know that we are heading towards something much much greater - and nobody will stand in its way. You have one life to live, live it fully in Eretz Hachayim!!!
PS I have sent your email to a few of my friends - so expect some more Chizzuk soon.

dear gilead,
yishai fleisher forwarded your email to me and gave me the opportunity to respond to your email.
i'd like to try to pick apart at your argument because i think you have a good one.
first, if it is a bad thing to give your taxes to an "enemy" government, aren't you allowing the good (as in not your enemy) jews like myself who are already living in israel to do such a thing? by this line of thinking, the more undesirable paying your taxes is, the more of a duty you have to come here to make sure that other jews won't be giving money to the enemy.
to stop them from doing so is really an easy thing to do. all we need is enough people to put the proper piece of paper in an envelope during election time. and if you were here before election time you could have tried to convince other jews to put the right piece of paper in an envelope. i think that there were efforts that did so and that's why kadima isn't as powerful as it was predicted to be.
next, i think this generation and me included are guilty of greatly underestimating the incredible miracle and blessing that israel is today. i go to jerusalem at least three times a year, little ole me. i live in a country that the majority of the population is jewish. i never have to explain to a boss what it means that i can't work friday night and saturday. if i want to eat out, chances are more often than not that the food is kosher and tasty. my daughter was born in israel. she will speak perfect hebrew. imagine telling a rabbi in poland two hundred years ago that there will be a guy like me with such privileges. it would make his heart burst.
now you have to ask yourself what incredible force of good made all of these blessings possible? that's right, your enemy, the state of israel. this government hasn't changed so much. probably the only difference is that it is running out of gas, secular zionism is showing its limitations. it has run out of ideas. luckily, the jews are armed with something filled with boundless vitality, the torah. we need soldiers like yourself to implement the true peace plan, the sinai accords.
looks like an impossible mission? too difficult? tune into next thursday to the yishai and malkah show and with god's help, i'm going to explain how easy it is.
good luck. and by the way, you hurting is a good sign, it means you are alive. don't become numb like i see all too often around me. made for the right reasons, making aliyah can help that hurt in a big way.
oh yeah, almost forgot, all too often i hear from jews what they want to do. what ever happened to doing what god wants you to do? am i missing something or isn't that supposed to be the attitude of a believing jew?
chazak venitchazak,
aaron fox

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