More Comments to JPost Editorial
12. Diaspora Down D Drain
Aryeh Yehuda - USA
I agree with Mr. Yehoshua! C'mon people, we in the American Diaspora are dwindling faster than we want to admit!! The AJCC survey population numbers are certainly inflated (those who actually consider themselves Jews according to the survey itself, is just over 4 million), intermarriage/assimilation is AT LEAST 60% (wake up!), and most American Jews (with the notable exception of the Orthodox), exhibit birthrates that are WAY below replacement levels, and most have a dwindling personal connection to Israel and Judaism. American Jewry of the future will be much smaller and paler reflection of its current overblown sense of self. Israel is the home and center of the Jewish People, NOW, not someday in the far future. Paradoxically, the American Jewry of the future will likely be MORE connected to Israel & Judaism because the Orthodox will be the only ones left standing after this demographic catastrophe! My wife & I have a plan to get off this sinking ship & make aliyah - do YOU??
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