A Few Talkbacks To The JPost Editorial
Check out some of the comments that have been logged to the article posted below:
1. Post Zionist Revisionist nonsense
Stepehn Duke - United Kingdom
Why are A.B. Yehoshua's statements being spun as 'nativist neo-triumphalism'? Yehosuhua merely states what many zionists know (and has sadly become unfashionable to say) that is, the best way to secure the future of the Jewish people is to live in Israel and this amply demonstrated by the fact that Israel has the only growing Jewish population in the world. The fact is that despite the contribution of the galut to Israel, the diaspora will, as predicted by the zionist movement, shrivel and eventually die. I don't want to say that Judaism outside Israel is worthless, however, Jewish life (whether religious or secular) is more complete in Israel than anywhere in the galut.
8. Kumah
Sorry Kumah, but if the Jews of Israel do not care about the Jews overseas, then Israels future is bleak, because then each Israeli will not care about his neighbor either. All jews are important and vital even those so apathetic that they do not care.If they dont, we need to care more.
9. kumah is cool
my attention was drawn to this article by the kumah.org web site. i agree with kumah.
10. Re: Kumah
Shulamis - USA
Dear Kumah( love ur site), Your comment has a very strong point, however, I think that investing in the future of Israel, can be attained by also investing in Diaspora Jews. For example, I was raised in an American school, which put no emphases on Israel and its importance to me as a Jewish person. If investments are made to help Diaspora Jews feel connected to Israel, they will be more amenable to visiting and maybe even alyiah.
And here is my yet unpublished retort:
Save Jews, Not Diaspora
All Jews must care for one another. There is NO question that we must care for and invest in Diaspora Jewry. However, that does not mean we must try to perpetuate the Diaspora as if on life support!!! We should invest in educating Diaspora Jews to love Israel, connect to Israel, and eventually immigrate to Israel. We must invest in Israeli infrastructure and future absorption capabilities. Yet all this is predicated on the understanding that the Diaspora-demise is a good thing to be encouraged and celebrated. Let us not throw away millions of dollars and millions of hours trying to save the dying Galut - let us build a living Israel!
1. Post Zionist Revisionist nonsense
Stepehn Duke - United Kingdom
Why are A.B. Yehoshua's statements being spun as 'nativist neo-triumphalism'? Yehosuhua merely states what many zionists know (and has sadly become unfashionable to say) that is, the best way to secure the future of the Jewish people is to live in Israel and this amply demonstrated by the fact that Israel has the only growing Jewish population in the world. The fact is that despite the contribution of the galut to Israel, the diaspora will, as predicted by the zionist movement, shrivel and eventually die. I don't want to say that Judaism outside Israel is worthless, however, Jewish life (whether religious or secular) is more complete in Israel than anywhere in the galut.
8. Kumah
Sorry Kumah, but if the Jews of Israel do not care about the Jews overseas, then Israels future is bleak, because then each Israeli will not care about his neighbor either. All jews are important and vital even those so apathetic that they do not care.If they dont, we need to care more.
9. kumah is cool
my attention was drawn to this article by the kumah.org web site. i agree with kumah.
10. Re: Kumah
Shulamis - USA
Dear Kumah( love ur site), Your comment has a very strong point, however, I think that investing in the future of Israel, can be attained by also investing in Diaspora Jews. For example, I was raised in an American school, which put no emphases on Israel and its importance to me as a Jewish person. If investments are made to help Diaspora Jews feel connected to Israel, they will be more amenable to visiting and maybe even alyiah.
And here is my yet unpublished retort:
Save Jews, Not Diaspora
All Jews must care for one another. There is NO question that we must care for and invest in Diaspora Jewry. However, that does not mean we must try to perpetuate the Diaspora as if on life support!!! We should invest in educating Diaspora Jews to love Israel, connect to Israel, and eventually immigrate to Israel. We must invest in Israeli infrastructure and future absorption capabilities. Yet all this is predicated on the understanding that the Diaspora-demise is a good thing to be encouraged and celebrated. Let us not throw away millions of dollars and millions of hours trying to save the dying Galut - let us build a living Israel!

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