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Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Aliyah L'Regel

[Har Habayit]

It's Aliyah L'Regel season again! Sukkot is one of the three holidays when all Jews are commanded to go up to Jerusalem and celebrate the holiday there. The culmination of this pilgrimage used to be the ascent to Har Habayit, to the Beit Hamikdash, where the Korban "Olat Reiah" was brought. We cannot do that today, but we can do so much more than we could in the not-too-distant past. We can go up to Jerusalem, and we can go up to Har Habayit, bringing the day closer when we can stand in the courtyard of the Third Temple.

In order to facilitate these important mitzvot, Kumah is introducting the Har Habayit Visitors Guide. It contains some important halachic and practical guidelines for ascending Har Habayit. In the future, we will add pictures and write-ups from different people's visits. Kumah encourages every Jew who is able to go up to Har Habayit this Chol Hamoed. And of course, write to us or post here and let us know about the experience.

Also, you can read my article, Three Times A Year, about this mitzva, and some ideas to facilitate it.

You can also celebrate this Aliyah Revolution with a Kumah Aliyah Revolution T-shirt! As a special offer for the holiday, if you order a shirt by Hoshana Rabba, shipping is free!

Chag Sameach!


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