Calling All Aliyah Blogs!
Years ago, when we started this site, we had the idea to chronicle people's Aliyah experiences, in a section called On Our Way Home. The section was successful, but it always remained small. Fortunately, the internet has developed blogs, allowing many recent olim to chronicle their Aliyah experiences online. Aliyah blogs help spread the word that Aliyah is possible, and a great experience, and that real people are doing it.
If you are an oleh or olah, or in the process of becoming one, and you have a blog, please send us an email to arise at kumah dot org, and we will link to your blog on the box on the side called Aliyah Blogs. If you don't have a blog, and would like to start one, check out Blogger, which is the service we use to maintain the Kumah blog.
If you are an oleh or olah, or in the process of becoming one, and you have a blog, please send us an email to arise at kumah dot org, and we will link to your blog on the box on the side called Aliyah Blogs. If you don't have a blog, and would like to start one, check out Blogger, which is the service we use to maintain the Kumah blog.

At 1:15 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I made Aliya from France 2 years ago.
I had good times in Israel and less good times, but I know it was the right decision to come here.
I will be happy to answer any questions from people who think of doing it and give my advise to them.
Having relatives in Israel already is a big asset.
In case someone wants to find new relatives and stay in touch with the old ones, I can recommend the Israeli website
Famillion is a worldwide family project connecting people across the globe, transcending borders and languages. you simply build your family tree and the system matches it with related trees and that way you connect to new or old relatives and make your family tree grow. you can also upload pictures and exchange family stories.
It s a great tool to find relatives and stay in touch with them.
So, guys, let s get all connected!!!
looking forward to receiving your comments...
Stay in touch,
At 11:59 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Debby,
I made ALiyah 5 years ago from Vienna.
I agree, life aint always easy in Erez Israel, but it just always felt right for me to be here.
I know the site already. My aunt is a high school teacher and she told me that Famillion had this roots project in Israeli schools all over the country to make children build their family tree and strenghten the students sense of belonging and heritage.
ANyway, connecting the Jewish world sounds always good, so I will also build my tree!!!!
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