Two Years Have Passed...

Wednesday, 8 Elul 5767 / August 22 marks two years since the completion of the destruction of Gush Katif. Rabbanim have called for a day of fasting, Teshuva and prayer, to remember the uprooted communities and families, and mourn the destruction of the shuls and Batei Midrash destroyed on this day.
Please continue reading for more details:
Wednesday will be marked by a special Mincha service at the Kotel, w/ Selichot & reading of "VaYichal Moshe" @ 6pm. Those joining the fast (which is considered a "Ta'anit Yachid") should indicate their intended participation during Tuesday's mincha (at the end of the Amidah).

For more details, please see: or call 02-9974424
Never Forget!
A list of videos, articles and media resources about Gush Katif HERE
Ynet: 8 Days in August
Labels: Events, Gush Katif, Neo-Zionism, Rav Judah, Torah, War

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