Anti-Zionism Lives!!!
In response to a my show entitled Likud, Satmar, and Olim (listen now or download) I got this response:
I just got finished listen your broadcast. I had heard as much as I could stomach but fortunately it was ending. I think you need to understand a few things. Satmar never Boycotted Jerusalem. They did not go to the Kosel or Kever Rochel or the ma'aras hamachpela in protest of the Secular zionist Israeli Government.
And you still don't get the picture. Judaism is about G-d, G-d, G-d, G-d. The lady in the airport that said she wishes they would say something more about G-d understands the spiritual vacuum that exists in a land that according to you "has so much potential" but in 46 minutes you didn't mention G-d once (had it not been for that lady) You didn't speak a word of torah. You spoke about the land, the land, the land. The land is dirt. without G-d it remains dirt. That is why Satmar and ALL CHAREIDIM are anti zionist, because Zionism takes the holy land and make sure it stays dirt.
For example, your reflections on the Theatre. A beautiful building blah blah. It's a place where Jews were Michallel Shabbos for decades in the holiest city in the world, and you miss it because you won't be able to watch goyish movies with arayos mamash in the middle of Jerusalem. That's your idea of Judaism? All the gedolei Torah in all generations opposed secular Zionism because it cuts G-d out of the equation. You think that because you have F16s you're protected? FOOL! If you had G-d you wouldn't need F16s. Mordechai in Shushan had F16s? Chezkiyahu Hamelech had F16s? Yehuda Hamakabi Had F16s? The Rebbe shlita made a cheshbon that when Klal Yisroel was oleh l'regal, The borders were completely open. Soldiers and "mishmar hagevul" also had an obligation to be oeh l'regal. There were as many as 109 days of the year, every year for 410 years in the bayis rishon and 420 years in the bayis shani that certain areas of the border (nahar prus) were open every year. Not one foreign soldier stepped over the border in over 800 years that the border was open for almost a third of the year. Instead of G-d protection, you think f16s will help you. Did it help when 100 Jews were killed and a third of the country evacuated because of katyushas missle strikes? Where were your f16s?
You invite a liar like Shitreet to address a NBN group? He didn't a believe a word he was saying. "We have a saying in Israel 'whoever saves a life'...." Saying in Israel? It's a gemorah Baba Basra and Sanhedrin. "Saves a life"?? Like the yaldei Teheran that were forcibly torn away from Yiddishkeit?? Like the yemeni Olim that were given a choice "come to work or go to pray" in the morning. You couldn't have both. The Zionists have spiritually and physically killed Jews, shitreet should have been shouted down for that claim. He continues "we say in the prayers". Who is "we"? This guy davens? But he's not done yet, he has to add on the ultimate kfira. "If only the state of Israel would have been created 10 years earlier..." What happened in Europe was posuk by posuk described in the tocha'ah as punishment for not following G-d's Torah. I feel sorry for you that you have such a small God, that you feel if he decrees a war or a holocaust, you can subvert his decree because you have a few F16, or you learned Karate, or you bought a gun. G-d is really really big. If he should G-d forbid decree it, you would be on the first train so fast you would have no idea how you got there.
A believer sees the hand of G-d in every step of the holocaust. G-d told the Jews do not marry a Goy. The Jews didn't listen. Germany, the most assimilated, intermarried, intertwined country in Europe passed the Nuremburg laws. A Jew cannot marry a Goy. A Jew cannot go out of Germany to get married and come back. We do not recognize such a marriage. A Jew cannot have relations with a Goy outside of marriage. G-d tells the Jew "do not cut your beard, do not cut your payos, wear tzitzis, and carve my bris into your flesh, so everyone will know when a Jew walks down the street. The Jews in Germany shaved their beards and payos, wore short jackets like the Goyim, took off their tzitzis and hats until the Goy said put a yellow star on your jacket and a number carved on your left forearm so everyone will know when a Jews walks down the street. These things never happened to anybody else in history. And Shitreet says, If the state was created 10 years earlier we would have protected you from G-d's decree. That is kefira in it's purest form.
The anti-zionist movement has not changed or slackened. It is still in full force for all the same reasons. It is you, the foolish modern orthodox, without Torah and without leadership that are being led like sheep to the slaughter. The Zionist Gov't said Come to Israel and fulfill the mitzvah of Yishuv ha'aretz in Gush Katif, and you followed and listed. Until they finished with you and threw you out. THAT IS ZIONISM. You were used, not us. The frei UN envoy from Israel stands and before the UN GA and says for "2000 years the Jew has faced Jerusalem and prayed 3 times a day for the return to israel...." and then the shaigetz runs and hides behind you, the religious zionist, and says "tell them, tell them how we pray 3 times a day..." He doesn't pray, he doesn't believe in G-d, he's using you and you allow yourselves to be used. We don't. We have nothing to do with anti-religious zionist government of Israel. They do not represent us. They do not represent G-d, they do not represent Judaism. Like the lady said "G-d is missing". From your radio show, from your country, from your government.
Labels: Definitions, Exile, Yishai

At 12:43 PM ,
Avi said...
What a chillul Hashem and Sinat Chinam and Sinat Achim.
At 8:09 PM ,
Aaron Amihud said...
What an idiot. I've heard (and said) some stupid things in my life but this guy takes the cake.
The only thing that saddens the heart is to wonder how many more of our brothers share his twisted, hateful and ignorant views on one of the greatest blessings the Jews have ever received: the dirt of Israel.
At 5:11 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Chezkiyahu Hamelech had F16s? Yehuda Hamakabi Had F16s?
Yehuda Hamakabi and his men had shields, swords, bows and arrows which they used to kill Greeks.
And Meleh Chezkiyahu build a very big wall around Jerusalem that protected him from the Assyrians.
They had faith in God, but they also used all the weapons and military stratagems of their time to fight their enemies, just like the IDF is doing today.
At 12:59 AM ,
Pinchas said...
Natan is right.
Genesis 32:9
"And he (Jacob) said: If Esau comes to one camp and attacks it, the remaining camp will survive."
the remaining camp will survive. Rashi: Against his (Esau's) will. Because I will do battle with him. He (Jacob) prepared himself with three things: 1) For giving a gift (as it says) "The gift passed ahead of him." (32:22) ; 2) for prayer (as it says) The G-d of my father Abraham" (32:10); 3) for war (as it says) " The remaining camp will survive." (32:9).
At 12:59 AM ,
Pinchas said...
Natan is right.
Genesis 32:9
"And he (Jacob) said: If Esau comes to one camp and attacks it, the remaining camp will survive."
the remaining camp will survive. Rashi: Against his (Esau's) will. Because I will do battle with him. He (Jacob) prepared himself with three things: 1) For giving a gift (as it says) "The gift passed ahead of him." (32:22) ; 2) for prayer (as it says) The G-d of my father Abraham" (32:10); 3) for war (as it says) " The remaining camp will survive." (32:9).
At 8:46 PM ,
Unknown said...
Speaking of the Satmar...what they are doing in kiryas Joel is disgusting.
Compare the Satmar to the Amish. The Amish have stayed out of the modern world for centuries. They work the land, don't use technology, and have harmonious relations with their neighbors (goyyim for the tribal thinkers). They are fully independent of the government and don't participate in welfare etc.
The Satmar, on the other hand, set up Kiryas Joel, they collect welfare from the "goyyim", they intimidate the "goyyim" politicians with their voting power which America affords them (as if they gave a shit about America) they have alienated their goy neighbors, whose towns have been there fro centuries...
If you were Hashem...who would you be more proud of, the Amish?? or the Satmar??
And I know, you Zionists "care" more about your fellow Jews, the Satmar, than you do the Amish.
But good news, the Amish care about all of you, equally.
That's why Hashem loves tham more.
At 9:12 PM ,
Unknown said...
Kiryas Joel residents have been alleged to cheat on taxes by claiming that they have a temple, or a place of worship, in their homes. Obtaining tax relief as a house of worship means the property is excused from paying property taxes that support local services, such as public schools, roads, water and sewer, fire and police, and so on, including the funds which subsidize welfare payments.
It is the custom in Kiryas Joel for women who work outside the home to stop doing so at the birth of their second child.[4] Most families have only one income and many children. The resulting poverty rate makes a disproportionate number of families in Kiryas Joel eligible for welfare benefits when compared to the rest of the county; and cost of welfare benefits is subsidized by taxes paid county-wide. Per the New York Times,
Because of the sheer size of the families (the average household here has six people, but it is not uncommon for couples to have 8 or 10 children), and because a vast majority of households subsist on only one salary, 62 percent of the local families live below poverty level and rely heavily on public assistance [government welfare], which is another sore point among those who live in neighboring communities.[4]
If the Torah is true, maybe anti-semitism is Hashem's righteous chastisement of racist, ethnocentric, selfish, greedy, people.
Read the Torah before you call me an anti-semite.
Golden Calf????
I am all in favor of such leeches to make aliyah. I can only hope your long-awaited messiah gets there in time to help you sustain a lifestyle built on taking advantage of stupid goys.
Good luck with that.
At 9:15 PM ,
Unknown said...
NOT built on taking advantage of the goys that is.
At 6:41 PM ,
Malkah said...
Dear DZ,
Gosh, there's so much to say! You can hear my bigger, badder opinion stated on Yishai's show of August 20th on Israel National Radio.
I'll just address one aspect of this dark commentary - here's the quote:
"I feel sorry for you that you have such a small God, that you feel if he decrees a war or a holocaust, you can subvert his decree because you have a few F16, or you learned Karate, or you bought a gun. G-d is really really big. If he should G-d forbid decree it, you would be on the first train so fast you would have no idea how you got there.
A believer sees the hand of G-d in every step of the holocaust. G-d told the Jews do not marry a Goy. The Jews didn't listen..."
DZ, if G-d wants the Jewish people to be decimated by war, they'll be decimated by war. If G-d wants them to be murdered by another nation, they'll be murdered by another nation.
And if G-d wants the nation of Israel to be re-established on their ancient "dirt" (otherwise known as G-d's dwelling place, the inheritance of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), THEN THAT IS WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN!!!
You see, brother, it's not just G-d's curses that are immutable. So are His blessings! You may not like it (or be embarrassed by the fact) that the infrastructure of the modern state of Israel was built up by girls in short shorts and boys with shaved faces, and not the pious Torah-loving Jews of Hungary, Poland, or Lithuania, but that is WHAT G-D DECREED. He gave them His blessing. And your wrath (or sheepishness) cannot take that away from them. Why are you so negative, pessimistic, and suspicious? Why can't you admit that G-d's hand is on this project and throw your support behind that which He has given His support?
It's not too late for you, if that was your concern. You can still make a positive impact on Israeli society - in fact, "A believer sees the hand of G-d" in what's happening in Israel today, and knows from the Torah that things are going to work out for the best! So instead of bemoaning what was, take part in what is. Real believers don't just look at the past to prove G-d's greatness, they look at the present...
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