Elul Niggun: Father in the Forest

"...This soulful melody is a dialogue between the Almighty Father and His children, the people of Israel. The Father looks for His children in the Diaspora, Galut, and implores them to return Home to the Holy Land..."
"Where have you been that you have forsaken Me?" He inquires of His children, "Dear children, please return Home, I feel forlorn without you."
The children's answer is "But, Father, how can we return when there is a guard blocking the door?"
*Matisyahu's more recent version of the niggun HERE
Labels: Aliyah, Exile, Jewish Holidays, Music, Rav Judah, Spirituality

At 3:58 PM ,
Yishai said...
What does "forlorn" mean anyway?
Appearing sad or lonely because deserted or abandoned.
Forsaken or deprived: forlorn of all hope.
Wretched or pitiful in appearance or condition: forlorn roadside shacks.
Nearly hopeless; desperate. See Synonyms at despondent.
At 7:48 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Thank you for posting that!
A very soulful niggun.
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