Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick

US aircraft carrier Enterprise headed out to the Persian Gulf Tuesday where it was set join the fleet currently located next to Iran.
Be'ezrat Hashem this will work out. Otherwise, Tel Aviv may be in for missiles again. Even then, let's hope things will work out.
One thing I've noticed about the Middle East: for good and bad, the things that everyone expects to happen rarely happen.
Be'ezrat Hashem this will work out. Otherwise, Tel Aviv may be in for missiles again. Even then, let's hope things will work out.
One thing I've noticed about the Middle East: for good and bad, the things that everyone expects to happen rarely happen.
Labels: Gil Ronen

At 9:36 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Gil, I beg to differ. The US could bring down Iran economically. Iran is an economic basket case, they have to import refined oil, without loans from Germany, the regime of the Ayatollahs would fall. The US also invests in Russia which assists Iran with technology. (See Anthony Sutton, "The Best Enemy Money can Buy" about how the US propped up the Soviet Union for years).
But Bush wants a war with Iran to bring about a spike in the price of oil and crash the dollar. Then he can use the extra powers he has given himself through presidential directives and declare martial law in the U.S.
If you think I'm in cloud-cuckoo land, read Jerome Corsi's article about how Bush has nullified the bill of rights, eliminated habeas corpus, posse comitatus, etc.
At 9:09 AM ,
גיל רונן said...
dan, I think you're in cloud-cuckoo land (wrt that).
At 10:17 AM ,
Anonymous said...
If everything is as you say it is, Americans with the white hats in one corner against the evil terrorists in the other corner, then answer these questions:
1) Why did the U.S. attack Iraq when 18 of the 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia ? Why didn't the US attack Saudi Arabia ?
2) Why does the US fund the Pakistani gov't which funds Pakistani intelligence (ISI) which funds the Taliban who are killing American soldiers ?
3) why can't the US stop the production of opium in Afghanistan if they control the country ? The wicked Taliban could stop it, I guess they're just smarter than the Americans.
4) Why does the US give the Taliban sanctuary in Pakistan ? Oh no, we couldn't go in to Pakistan to attack the Taliban.
5) The democrats control both houses now. Why don't they stop funding for the war ? Perhaps they didn't really want to ?
6) Why did the US send 690,000 troops to get Iraq out of Kuwait in 1992, but to take the country in the 2nd Gulf War, they only sent 150,000 troops ? Is the US trying to win the war in Iraq ?
At 12:24 PM ,
גיל רונן said...
I envy you. The world you live in is much less dangerous than the one I live in.
In your world, everything - good and bad - is controlled by the USA. Since you are an American and the US controls everything, you are safe forever.
I am just a Yid in a liddle Yidland, and I know I have one true ally, imperfect as it may be.
Life is scary enough for me without you convincing me that the US also wants me dead. So forgive me, I don't want to play the game. Let me live in my state of denial, it's my right.
I choose to worry about pansy-ass statements like this panicky headline, which show me the army is full of "new men" who have forgotten the art of being tough and think being "dangerous" is the same as being what the girls call "dangerous looking".
At 1:38 PM ,
Anonymous said...
When did I say the world is not dangerous ? The fact is the U.S. ruling elite who set policy, e.g. James Baker, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Breszinski, are evil people. They don't mind if thousands die to advance their geopolitical goals, which is a global form of Plato's republic (rule by the elite).
And America is not better off. If you read Jerome Corsi's articles on WND, you would see that Bush is dismantling the constitution. If he is taking away American's rights to fight a war against terror, why doesn't he seal the border with Mexico ?
Dr. Corsi has also received hundreds of documents from a freedom of information act which show that Bush is stealthily negotiating with Canada and Mexico to form a North American Union, for which he will "raise" the level of American citizens to that of the Mexican peasant.
Instead of relying on Uncle Sam, may I suggest that we trust only in Hashem. Did not Yirmiyahu the prophet warn our ancestors not to depend on Pharoah Necco to save them ?
American Jews are in for a rough ride. If they believe the promises to the Jewish people in the tanach, they should already be here in Israel.
At 3:05 PM ,
גיל רונן said...
"Trust in Hashem" is a given. It is not the alternative to trusting or not trusting the US.
I never said we should trust the US to always save our skin. I'm a big fan of doing it for ourselves, but that would have to involve a major major war of conquest, biblical style.
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