Lamenting the Exile - Tisha b'Av at Kever Rachel

Rachel's Children Reclamation Foundation (Evelyn Haies) and Kumah invite you to join us for a prayer vigil at Kever Rachel (Rachel's Tomb) on the 9th of Av at night.
Tisha B'Av is centered around Jerusalem and the Temple, but is also a day to mourn the exile - and no one cries more about the exile then Rachel Imeinu. Come join your tears with hers in the prayer "Veshavu Banim Legvulam" - "May the Children Return to their Borders."
When: Join our bus at 6:30PM on Monday the 23rd of July, Erev Tisha B'Av
Where: Binyanei Haumah - The International Convention Center across from the Central Bus Station
What to bring: Water, a hard boiled egg, a sandwich for pre-fast final food, Scroll of Eicha
How long: The bus will return to join up with the Women in Green march around the Old City walls. (around 9:30PM)
Cost: Free - we want you to come and give nachat to Rachel Imeinu.

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