Dissing the American Government
From Dan:
The American GOVERNMENT IS ISRAEL'S NUMBER 1 ENEMY. Yes, the Arabs like nothing better than killing Jews, but without the required diplomatic cover from the U.S., the game couldn't be played.
American Jews prefer things simplified: In the white hat, George W. Bush, defender of Israel and in the black hat, Osama Bin Laden, arch-terrorist.
But the so-called defender of Israel sends money and weapons to the terrorist Philistine authority. (oh, I'm sorry, that's to support the good terrorists of Abu Mazen against the bad terrorists of the Hamas).
Besides, in Tehillim, midrashim, etc., it says that Edom and Yishmael will attack Israel, Edom being the West and Yishmael the Arabs. In fact, the Abravanel says that Yishmael will do this under the command of Edom.
If these American Jews recognized that America is the real problem, then they would have to choose sides: stay in America and support Israel's demise or move to Israel.
What is the diplomatic game: The Arabs attack Israel, then Israel tries to defend itself and Condoleeza Rice is rushed to the region to "manage" the problem, thus equating the victims to the attackers.
Or Israel is forced to fight an "asymmetrical war of attrition," a concept invented by the mandarins at the State Department, against the terrorists, instead of doing what any normal country would do and carpet bomb the Philistines.
People say that it's "our" fault because Israel's leaders give in to the US. But the Israeli people have lost control over their government. This was proven when Olmert, number 33 on the Likud list and no big favorite of Sharon, was chosen as Ariel Sharon's Vice Prime Minister (perhaps, because he had the most vice).
Why would Sharon chose an unpopular politician whom he couldn't stand. Olmert was probably chosen because the U.S. ordered Sharon to do so. Then, a putsch was carried out, when Sharon remained in control of the gov't after leaving the Likud and forming Kadima. Sharon was not elected personally, the Likud was elected, whose MK's are chosen by the Likud party institutions so there was no precedent for taking the gov't away from the Likud. But why didn't Bibi challenge this, perhaps he's also controlled ...
Labels: America, Government, Leadership, Yishai

At 11:11 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I am not Jewish, dishearteningly to say, but let me just say this about bush - what I feel -
I HATE him because of what he has made Israel go through - i.e. pinui expulsion... and what he is making Israel go through, now... I sincerely believe, sadly to say- America and all those who , *by proxy, support HaShem, G-d's enemies- The enemies of Israel - will be judged acordingly by The Faithful L-RD , G-d of Israel ..
I have a sense that the WHOLD WORLD , due to it's EVIL treatment of the Apple of G-d's eye ( Israel, Klal Yisroel ) will be judged, very soon - if not currently in the process...
We must all remember - those that are Loyal to G-d, HaShem - His Commandments - His *faithful words that will never pass away - that the time is soon approcahing where we will have to make a decision - Either worship man and His false Idols , or Worship the *Living, *Real and Awesome G-d - Who made EVERTHING and GUIDES ALL to His ULTIMATE PURPOSE! May we see the redemption of The People of Israel, The Jewish People and Her dear Friends -soon!
Be of STRONG and ZEALOUS FAITH for the L-RD , Thy G-D is your G-D ! May we all FEAR HIM and Tremble at His judgements and *His eternal Presence...
Shalom and G-d keep you all near and dear to Him, always...
Your dedicated friend,
Edward Francisco Villa
At 4:16 PM ,
RememberGushKatif! said...
Eddi, as usual, you bring the matter right to the point. What have I been saying for so long. The only thing G-d has not done was spray paint in big red letters COME HOME!!!!! Why doesn't everyone see this. Have they forgotten 60 years ago when German Jews sat comfortably in the homes feeling so safe because they were 'German'? Why do we not learn from our history? We are supposed to be so smart, why, why, why do we make such stupid choices? We have already lost more souls to assimilation than the holocaust. I just want to shake everyone by the shoulders and say COME HOME!!!! Maybe you will be more successful than I. You know I adore you. Maybe I should just say the heck with it. If people want to drown in the 'luxury' in the US, can I do anymore? It gets so disheartening. I am speaking, great Rabbaim are speaking, very learned people, much more than I are speaking. Who is listening?
Eddi, it is now or never. Take 2 bags. In one put Emunah, faith and in the other put Bitochon. Then get on a plane and make Aliyah. That's it. If you believe in G-d, if you believe in the Torah, if you believe the first line in the Torah, Beresihes Bora Elokim..In the beginning G-d created EVERYTHING!, then what are you doing out of Israel? It is we who will turn the State of Israel to Eretz Yisroel. My plea to everyone, is to remember, Esau hates Yaakov! Think about that. We are Yaakov....the rest of the world....Esau.
With Serenity, mamamitzvah
At 4:21 PM ,
RememberGushKatif! said...
You go boy. You've said more in your article than most of the panty waist so called Jews. They were the 4/5 who died in Egypt.
Keep pusshing Eddi, you will be at the head of the parade to greet Moshiach!
At 6:02 AM ,
Anonymous said...
http://members.dslextreme.com/users/audiointerviews/barry.wma <---- Nazi's, Sabateans and Council on Foriegn Relations ....
May HaShem, the G-d of Yisrael grant us His Strength during the trying times ahead of us all... May we NEVER FORGET the pain of G-d's Holy People, Klal Yisrael ...
May our prayers be answered speedily , in our days and may we turn to HaShem, the Holy G-d of His people - Those who follow and submit themselves to His Holy and Perfect Will... May we Never forget!
G-d bless you all and keep you all - May we NEVER forget his Hand in everything in our lifes...
- Edward Francisco Villa
At 10:22 AM ,
גיל רונן said...
It is very common to hear and read anti-American polemics in the religious right wing sphere. People talk about the USS Liberty and they talk about Pollard and they say the US is our enemy.
I disagree.
I think the reason a lot of people see the US that way is that they themselves are from the US. And they have an unsettled score with their own pride as Jews, which they grew up stifling as American Jews. And so over time, the rebellion against the US became conflated in their souls with the rebellion for Judea.
But they are not one and the same. And notice that this anti-Americanism is markedly less common among non-American Jews.
I think that people need to get some proportion on this subject and some self-examination is due here.
I, for one, think these are our friends, and I am very glad to see them sailing into the Persian Gulf:
PS: I recommend reading Barbara Tuchman's Bible and Sword and also a book called A Peace to End All Peace by David Fromkin for a different perspective on how and why British and then American Christianity have helped the Zionist project.
At 11:16 AM ,
Pinchas said...
I agree with you. But Dan who wrote this is not an American - he's Canadian. And I'd like to hear him write about how Canada is also Israel's enemy. In any case America is NOT enemy number one. They aren't an enemy of Israel at all. I'm not saying Israel can't exist without America but that America are certianly not the ones trying to kill the Jewish people. Dan, if you are going to pick on America why not pick on Israel itself which also has been known to supply known terrorist with the guns they need to shoot us with. And don't go around saying America forces Israel's hand. It's Israel's fault for not standing firm and believing it can't exist without kissing up to uncle sam. Israel's fault - not America's. (Though it still might be Canada's too.)
At 11:56 AM ,
Yishai said...
(IsraelNN.com) Holland, Sweden and the United Arab Emirates have all decided to renew funding to the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority. The countries are following the lead of the United States, which authorized funding of the Fatah faction in the PA through a PLO account set up by Fatah official Salem Fayyad.
US President George W. Bush announced Friday that he intends to deposit $18.8 million into the new PLO account set up by Fayyad – ostensibly to help Fatah fight Hamas. Hamas is not technically a member of the PLO.
"We have started using the PLO account,” PA Information Minister Mustafa al-Barghouthi confirmed. “This is an important step to lift the siege.”
A May 14 letter from the US to the European Union authorized the deposit of funds in Fayyad’s PLO account – a move seen by many as effectively ending the international boycott of the PA in place since the PA public voted the internationally recognized terrorist organization Hamas into power.
The White House recently gave Fatah $59 million for training and weapons for armed groups controlled by Mahmoud Abbas. Hamas later claimed it had intercepted weapons purchased with the money.
At 4:23 PM ,
Pinchas said...
So the American Gov't is clueless and misguided (see my post "You don't get it!") But that's a FAR CRY from making them Enemy #1! Why not pay attention to the REAL enemies - like those that say things like the countdown to the destruction of Israel has begun...
At 4:29 PM ,
גיל רונן said...
I disagree. These conspiracy theories, I don't like them, because if you follow them to their logical conclusion, we are doomed.
The USA is a democracy. There are different opinions, different parties, and if you want your idea to win the day you need to lobby for it. Israel has been lobbying against itself. It has been saying "make us leave Judea and Samaria". It has been destroying its own communities. It has been telling the USA, in essence - "we are a stinky little country, we deserve to die." So what do you want from the USA? It has been helping us despite ourselves.
What if tomorrow the USA decided to stop giving Israel aid altogether and to sign a treaty with Iran, that it will supply Iran with some nuclear weapons, so Iran can destroy Israel, in return for Iran agreeing to declare a 100 year moratorium on its own nuclear development, and a binding obligation not to raise oil prices? Why shouldn't it sell us out?
The only reason it's not doing that is that deep down inside it hates Iran, despises Islam, can't stand Muhammad, and loves Abraham and David. The USA's founding fathers were all about the Old Testament, and all those Bethels and Bethlehems in the USA can attest to that.
It's true that Christianity's founders added in the New Testament at a certain point, and that the Jewish religion had to be made more "Jewish style" than actually Jewish in order to be palatable for gentiles, but that is something we can work around, imho.
Imagine if the USA was founded by people who believed in a watered down version of the Koran, instead of a watered down version of the Bible! How long would Israel last in that world? As long as it takes a missile to cross the Atlantic.
Forgive me if I am being overly dramatic, we're just having fun here.
At 4:29 PM ,
גיל רונן said...
I disagree. These conspiracy theories, I don't like them, because if you follow them to their logical conclusion, we are doomed.
The USA is a democracy. There are different opinions, different parties, and if you want your idea to win the day you need to lobby for it. Israel has been lobbying against itself. It has been saying "make us leave Judea and Samaria". It has been destroying its own communities. It has been telling the USA, in essence - "we are a stinky little country, we deserve to die." So what do you want from the USA? It has been helping us despite ourselves.
What if tomorrow the USA decided to stop giving Israel aid altogether and to sign a treaty with Iran, that it will supply Iran with some nuclear weapons, so Iran can destroy Israel, in return for Iran agreeing to declare a 100 year moratorium on its own nuclear development, and a binding obligation not to raise oil prices? Why shouldn't it sell us out?
The only reason it's not doing that is that deep down inside it hates Iran, despises Islam, can't stand Muhammad, and loves Abraham and David. The USA's founding fathers were all about the Old Testament, and all those Bethels and Bethlehems in the USA can attest to that.
It's true that Christianity's founders added in the New Testament at a certain point, and that the Jewish religion had to be made more "Jewish style" than actually Jewish in order to be palatable for gentiles, but that is something we can work around, imho.
Imagine if the USA was founded by people who believed in a watered down version of the Koran, instead of a watered down version of the Bible! How long would Israel last in that world? As long as it takes a missile to cross the Atlantic.
Forgive me if I am being overly dramatic, we're just having fun here.
At 4:50 PM ,
Unknown said...
Israel transfers funds to PA, supplies water , electricity and medical help, provides tribune to the terrorists on the State TV and Radio.
Why would others boycott PA?
Should they be more catholic than Pope?
At 5:39 PM ,
Anonymous said...
All I can say is that according to the news in Arutz Sheva, Aliyah is up 48% over all and 38% from the US. It seems that people are waking up. Let us pray that everyone wakes up soon enough.
At 2:45 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Wow. Just wow. I certainly hope that the author has calmed down from whenever they wrote this post. Because if they say that, then the US should pull out aid if that is the gratitude it receives. Of powerful nations, who is a better friend to Israel? Financing the PA may not be popular with you, but among people who aren't 100% Zionist or Neo-Zionist or whatever (which is the majority of the world) the Israeli treatment of the "Philistines" is seen as a few steps away from a genocidal tendency. Not my opinion, but one plenty of people have. Yes, things are hard, because the US is not in the business of trying to hand over control of the region to Israel or to the Palestinians. So, because the US refuses to decisively help Israel finally eliminate the Palestinians; even though it decisively helps stack the deck against them? I'm not arguing what I believe, but trying to add some common sense. If America is seen as imperialist now, just imagine what would happen if it did that. Additionally, calls of a Jewish conspiracy would be seen as justified by increasing swaths of the world, making Israel's current position even more precarious. It's one thing to try to say America is not doing everything it can possibly think of to help Israel, but worst enemy? Give me a break.
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