Triple Whammy Anti-Islamists

So when I was in LA over Pesach I went to a kick-ass lecture at UCLA (register here to watch it) criticizing Islamic totalitarianism by very hardcore Islam critics who are not afraid to tell it like it is. It was organized by the "Logic" club which is the campus club for fans of Ayn Rand.
It was a triple whammy panel with Daniel Pipes, Wafa Sultan, and Yaron Brook. Pipes is the most well-known, a scholar of Islam who I think invented the word "Islamist." The "Islamists" in the room (Muslim radicals) can't stand him and always stand in the hall and boo him when he speaks, until they are eventually shooed away.
Wafa Sultan, a Muslim hozer b'she'elah (rebel) risks her life to speak the truth about her former religion. (Read my brief interview with her.)
My personal favorite, who people are just starting to discover, is Yaron Brook, an expatriate Israeli who is the head of the Ayn Rand Institute and stridently speaks out pro-Israel from a secular, "rightist" perspective, bashing both secular leftsits and the relgious right alike. (Read my interview with him from ages ago as well.)
What I like about them is that they seek to ground their arguments in secular logic.
Labels: Bnei Ishmael, Orit, War

At 9:15 PM ,
Anonymous said...
je vais vous parler en français si vous avez assez d'intelligence vous comprendrez. les juifs ont étaient mis dans des camps de concentration pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, et cela a créer un énorme traumatisme pour ce peuple. Mais vous êtes en train de faire la même chose avec le peuple musulman, car vous tuez des nourrissons, des enfants des mères, des pères, vous faites des orphelins! honte sur vous, honte sur vous, honte sur vous! Laissez Ghaza tranquille, ils ne vous ont rien fait! vous êtes juste des gens cruels qui ont signé un pacte avec le diable! encore une fois: honte, honte, honte sur vous!
At 4:43 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Islam is about peace, faith, brotherhood, honesty and repect. You are ignorant if you believe that the actions of a few radical extremists summarizes the entire religion. When you have truly studied the religion and understood the truth and compared it to the believes of many true muslims, then you will regret your actions and words. Do not be convinced of your superiority, because belief of superiority of one race over another is the definition of ignorance.
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