Outsourcing The Next Shoah

From Dan.
Yishai, Shalom - today's rant:
Why is Europe, primarily Germany, subsidizing trade with Iran (Moolah for the Mullahs)? How is subsidized trade to the benefit of the European taxpayer; it would seem to be a losing proposition. (see excerpts from an article below).
The Iranian regime is an economic basket-case with 30% inflation because the Mullahs mismanaged the oil industry and embezzled the wealth of the country. The regime would most likely collapse if not for the kind support of the German gov't. The German gov't also supports other "friendly" regimes such as those in Syria and Lebanon.
Why isn't there a Jewish/Israeli boycott of German goods. Why are we buying gadgets from these people? Why aren't there demonstrations in front of German embassies in Tel-Aviv and Washington.
Germany is conducting a second Shoah by proxy with Iran. They're outsourcing the Shoah to Iran. Why are we silent?
Kol Tuv,
Excerpts from the Wall Street Journal's Opinion Journal follow:
"The European Union--led by Germany, France and Italy--has long been Iran's largest trading partner ... Even more notable: Its trade with Tehran has expanded since Iran's secret nuclear program was exposed ..."
"But the real story here is that these businesses are subsidized by European taxpayers. ... has boosted Iran's economy and--indirectly by filling government coffers with revenues--its nuclear program.
"Federal Government export credit guarantees played a crucial role for German exports to Iran ... Iran tops Germany's list of countries with the largest outstanding export guarantees, totaling €5.5 billion. "
Labels: Government, War, Yishai

At 12:35 PM ,
Yishai said...
The German know how to spin it though - from JTA:
The European Union is committed to fighting anti-Semitism and ensuring Israel is secure, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Jerusalem. Merkel, who holds the rotating presidency of the European Council, was in Israel as part of European efforts to restart Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.
Merkel, who paid her respects at Yad Vashem, said there would be no compromise on Western demands that the new Palestinian Authority coalition government recognize the Jewish state and renounce violence.
"I feel deep sorrow over the Holocaust and the crimes of the Nazis. I am aware of the responsibility we carry," she said in a speech Sunday. "We recognize Israel's right to exist. We will fight the new anti-Semitism along with the old. Germany and the European Union are committed to the security of the citizens of Israel."
At 8:14 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Why Yehuda Ha-Kohen is wrong to concentrate on Russian technological support of Iran:
1) The Russians don't make anything but Vodka, so you can't boycott them.
2) Follow the money. If you have the money, you can buy the nuclear scientists. No German investment in Iran, no money to pay Russian scientists.
3) The Germans are sensitive about their image as shown by the article above from JTA. The Russians simply don't care.
4) Some of the German companies doing business in Iran, such as Krupp, were involved in the Shoah.
5) The German taxpayers are subsidizing trade with Iran. I guess they think it's a good, charitable cause to support Israel's enemies. I wonder if they have pushkes in Berlin with a picture of Ahmadinijad on the front.
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