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Friday, April 06, 2007

Aharit HaYamim: Redemption Rock, Indigenous Jewsic

Aharit HaYamim is true redemption rock. The members of this musical movement have come on Aliyah from across the globe to bring new songs to the nation of Israel, who will collectively sing them to the harmony of the entire world.

I have written about the band and the annual music festival they put on ever since hearing them play in a Jerusalem cave and running into lead singer Yehuda around Musrara between gigs. Here are some video clips I just found of them:

And here is their web site and MySpace page (where a bunch of their songs can be heard/downloaded)

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  • At 12:32 PM , Blogger Sabzi Aash said...

    "Indigenous Jewsic"? It sounds like reggae to me....

  • At 3:21 PM , Blogger Ezra said...

    To quote David Gould: "Reggae music slowly bends the fences of modernity, rocking your consciousness thousands of years back to ancestors that danced in ecstatic circles of holiday celebrations, feasts and of course, prayer.

    Rastifarians - the founders of reggae- view it as an extension of their spiritual experience, often drawing their lyrics form the Hebrew Bible. Most of the songs are in minor keys and the horn and vocal melodies bear a similarity to traditional Jewish music."

    I posit Aharit's neo-reggae uses the vessel of reggae as a throwback to capture the tunes exuded by this land. By indigenous I did not mean exclusively and solely created here (was anything?). Here is where we fuse and perfect, moving toward perfect harmony.


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