Sound Familiar? Yitro's Reasons for Not Making Aliyah

Later, while in the Desert, Moshe tries to convince his father-in-law Yitro to enter The Land of Israel together with the Jewish People, yet he continuously refuses: "I shall not go! Only to My Land and my family shall I go!" (Bamidbar 10:30).
What happened?!?
After his great proclomation of faith - he is the first person to say "Baruch Hashem!" (Ex. 18:10), and after all that he has contributed to Am Yisrael: a complete overhaul of the Judicial system, his daughter Tziporah etc.- Yitro opts out of going to Eretz Yisrael.
Some opinions & perspectives of the classic commentaries as to WHY:
* Rashi: Yitro went to convert his family...("We have kiruv work to do, chinuch, saving American Jewry!")
* Rav Ovadia Sforno: Yitro felt too old to move; leaving would be too difficult because of the change in climate, food and language adjustment ("too hot in Israel! We want American meat and Tropicana!")
* The Sifri: Yitro didn't want to leave his family, possesions and familiar surroundings- so much so that Moshe offers him property in Jericho ("we have such a nice house, two cars; we like the comfortable standard of living; we love our neighborhood- we are so used to it here!")
* Rav Yosef Bechor Shor (talmid of Rabbeinu Tam): Yitro didn't want to deal with (feared?) the Milchemet Kivush/ War that would have to be fought to conquer the Land ("its dangerous there! we won't be safe in Israel! we'll have to serve in the army!)
Sound Familiar?!
It has been a while since we experienced awesome, open miracles and an ingathering of the exiles...or has it been?
Historical Patterns (and excuses!) repeat themselves... Justifications & rationalizations- legitimate or otherwise- do too.
B'Yamim Haheim BaZman HaZeh!!

At 9:20 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Great point (and great visual too). Why not start a prayer list? Those of us still stuck in shmutz l'aretz will put up our Hebrew names and those of you who have the zchus of already living in G-d's palace on Earth will learn mishayos, gemoros, and say tehillim for us. Nothing happens without Hashem! I've been davening for myself and my family for awhile now, but a group effort might evoke the extra Chasdei Hashem we need to make it to the Holy Land.
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