Get Your Oomph On!!!

I just started my new job, and I don't have that much time to read the news, which I think is a good thing, considering the news that is going on right about now. I think the stomach and heart burn companies are going to sky rocket, we should invest in them!!! The really sad part is that people reading those pathetic articles (I don't think I need to give examples, just go to cnn or jpost) really believe what they are reading, its like BEYOND pathetic. I guess that's why its good there is a revolution and a kumah website :-)
So reading some good news and trying to re-do the bad news is pretty cool, but sometimes you need a little more oomph then just passive reading... ever get that way... well if you do, then I have some suggestions on how to get your oomph on!!!
1) This is an easy one which most people do already, but just in case...WRITE COMMENTS. The power of the pen... no joke. When those anti-Zionist articles are being thrown at your face, well shove it back, by writing how you really feel. Even if its just a quick "I think your article is bias" because you never know who is looking at the responses, and if they see enough opposition to the article, they might be less inclined to believe in it, like it's the holy grail (oops wrong religion)
After doing that you do feel a little invigorated, knowing that you put your thought, little or not, out there, for the internet surfers to read... so that's a little oomph ish. But remember every LITTLE bit counts, so if your not into oomphing, then start slow, and work yourself up (if you need any encouragement, listen to this)
2) Do the polls. Such as, this one and this one. I know you think they mean nothing, and they probably do, but still, it's the power of you being "one human that can make the difference" approach. Aside for the fact, that its fun to look back and see your name, and how many people signed up after you (that's only if your really bored)
But really, to see yourself getting counted and the pollster say they are going to show the numbers to someone important, can definitely get an oomph going. Like "there take that, I am the 1737th person to sign the petition" and then you go and make all your friends sign too, so its like a contagious oomph, and it's a great way to see who your true friends are... jk.
3) And yes I do save the best for last, I don't know why... But ya, I think this one is the best, and of course since it is the best Arutz Sheva got to it already, Shocker :-) But really, I think it's the best oomph drug there is. I mean, you call 1-202-456-1414 (the White House, USA)and a nice person asks you which state you're calling from, and then wham... you give it to them, you can say whatever you like, just let it all out, and the cool part is, legally they have to keep a record of what topic and what views each caller is addressing. So its like, you get some nice little American to sit and listen to your rant about... well anything, pick a topic... they will listen and record what your views are. I doubt they write up everything, but the gist definitely gets documented.
So when you feel like a whole container of Tums wont do the trick, and you did suggestion 1 and 2... then hit the white house. You never know Mr. Bush might pick up the wrong line, and you get to oomph him... Anyhow, it's a great way to get out your frustration with the stupidity of the world around us, and you might make a difference while you're at it... which is the ultimate OOMPH.
But just remember, every person can be the one to change the future (not to sound sappy or anything) But really, at an era of the neo-Zionist revolution, we don't have time to think if we are big enough or worth it enough... Because we TOTALLY ARE!!!Which reminds me of something whinny the pooh said (I'm obsessed with cartoons) "your stronger then you seem, smarter then you think, and braver then you believe" So fellow neozites... go get your OOMPH on... and make a difference!!!
As always, comments are accepted and greatly appreciated ;-)
TTFN, DFTSS ~ Shulamit
Labels: Activism, Good News, Jewish Pride, Kumah, Links, Neo-Zionism, Rants, Shulamit

At 6:07 AM ,
Anonymous said...
u r crazy.
At 8:35 AM ,
Ezra said...
Activism is good, but one must make sure to avoid what my good friend Avi Hyman termed "the Hasbara hijack." This is not only an ideological peril, but one that involves self-deception and the profiting of organizations at the expense of the Jewish people's real desire to help.
What am I referring to? Online petitions!
Online petitions are useless. Period. The only one who gains from them are spammers (if your email is displayed) and Aish HaTorah (in this case), by sticking you on a mailing list and entering your name in their fundraising file.
Hold on a second, I sound like a jerk. Why am I so worked about this? Because I believe that things like online petitions suck the revolutionary juice of the Jews away from actual effective activist (some of which is listed in Shulamit's multi-colored post). What is more - once you are making an online petition, why address it to the Hague? Like the world's kangaroo court even deserves to be asked to defend the Jewish people. Address the petition to someone with the capabilities and will to stop Iran.
The problem with online petitions is they are a placebo that gets rid of the soul's desire to do something to change the world. The problem with the Aish petition in particular is that it is a ploy to harvest emails at the expense of the current threats facing the Jews.
At 4:27 AM ,
Unknown said...
Thanks for your comment Ezra, and I agree with you to an extent.
But you have to give an "instead of" example. If someone wants to be "active" in the fight for Israel, and they have not yet had the honor of living in Israel, an online petition is one step in a right direction. I am not saying its the cream of the crop. But it keeps the momentum up. In America it's very easy to forget and getting, even spam, that lights up the spark again, is worth it.
Of course once the spark is lit, the person will automatically know that online petitions being sent to the UN and the like are pretty useless. But... that's after the fact. Right now, I think we need to get people aware that what's going on is unacceptable, and if they agree to sign something, regarding the bias media and corrupt system, then I think its a spark, that once you start, G-d willing, will spread, and it might have all started with reading and signing an online petition,,,, wouldn't that be cool???
At this stage, I don't think we should count anything out. Even if its not the best of the best, you never know where the yeshuah (salvation) will come...
But once again, thanks for your comment, your a smart one... keep it up :-)
~ Shulamit
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