It's the Little Things
In follow-up to Alex's description of sewage running in the wrong direction, here are some pictures of sewage going in the right direction; sewage pipes that is. As we speak, the Golan municipality is installing sewage pipes for our little piece of heaven, in North-East, Israel. Sewage is one of those little things in life that make a man happy. And there is nothing like watching those backhoes at work digging sewage trenches for your very own house. Can't wait to put those sewage pipes to good use.

Next is electricity and water. Bit by bit we'll get this house in order so it'll eventually be a home.
Next is electricity and water. Bit by bit we'll get this house in order so it'll eventually be a home.

At 5:21 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Nice house!! I being a Jew from Judah applaud you for being a Golanese Jew - Go Jew Go!
Next send those backhoes to destroy the illegal Arab occupation..
At 9:50 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I was the original foreign volunteer in Yonathan in 1979. It's good to hear the place is still functioning. I'd love to come to visit for Yom Tov. Does the moshav have a website and a means of contacting members?
Adam Samuel
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