Even Though We Ain't Got Money, I'm so in Love With Milk and Honey
I was looking through the search terms that bring people to Kumah.org or NeoZionist.com and saw one continuously appearing, month after month.
It was "Even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with you honey."
So I plugged that into Google. Lo and behold, we were number (drumroll...) 81.
81? Why would people searching for that song lyric click on the 81st link that came up? I still don't have the answer to that (maybe it was number 3 until recently) but I can tell you what post came up that used the lyrics. It was not even a Kumah blogger, but Laya, a member of the Jewlicious blog, whose post was reprinted here by Yishai.
Now Jewlicious has traditionally gotten a bit hysterical when it comes to Kumah, though Michael actually composed a Weird-Al style song for us at one point. Laya's post, however, is a Neo-Zionist ode to Aliyah that is one of the most sincere I have ever seen. It made my Shabbat to read it:
Click here for the rest
It was "Even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with you honey."
So I plugged that into Google. Lo and behold, we were number (drumroll...) 81.

Now Jewlicious has traditionally gotten a bit hysterical when it comes to Kumah, though Michael actually composed a Weird-Al style song for us at one point. Laya's post, however, is a Neo-Zionist ode to Aliyah that is one of the most sincere I have ever seen. It made my Shabbat to read it:
Some of the reasons I love living in Israel
Why did I come to Israel? I get asked this a lot. By Israelis who live here with me, and Americans who don't. Both, I suspect hoping for a glimmer of inspiration in my answer. Why would I leave everything I had going for me in The Land of Plenty and move to a perceived war zone?
Initially I came at the height of the intifada, with a newfound Zionism, grand ideas and dreamer's visions. I came to be with my people in their time of sorrow, with lofty ambitions of heroism. Since that time, all I can say is I've been humbled and I've grown-up.
But why do I stay?
It's as simple as this - because Love makes you do crazy things.
Sometimes I walk down the streets of Jerusalem singing love songs to it (even though we aint got money, I'm so in love with you honey?). Being in Love with Israel is like being in Love with a person; it defies all reason and logic. At some point the initial Zionistic honeymoon ends, times get tough and you go broke. Sometimes you might turn cynical and forget what you came here for. In terrifying, fleeting moments I have even considered going back to the land of hard wood floors, bank statements in English, and drip coffee.
Click here for the rest
Labels: Aliyah, Classic, Ezra, JewBlogs, Neo-Zionism

At 2:54 PM ,
Shmuel said...
Awesome piece, thanks for the link. Always appreciate a good pick me up like that.
At 6:12 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Oh, you kids are so sensitive. Hysterical? Please, I only get hysterical about hummus. And, unsurprisingly, the JPost misquoted me - I said "narrow range of people," not "narrow type of person." Because that doesn't make any sense. And hey, I don't write lyrics for just ANYBODY, y'know?
Rockin' umlaut, by the way. Totally metal.
At 1:20 AM ,
oregoncoastgirl said...
You come up as #1 for "Even though we ain't got money lyrics", though. :)
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